You may have already heard about the benefits of silk pillowcases for skin and hair. It is good to know that the satin pillowcase has almost the same benefits, except that it is cheaper. In this article, we want to talk about the benefits of satin pillowcases for skin and hair, its disadvantages and the false beliefs that exist about this product.
satin pillowcase; Satin is not a fabric
Contrary to what many of us think, satin is not a fabric at all! Satin is actually a weave; But because its texture is extremely fine and cannot be seen with the naked eye, we think that satin is a fabric like silk or linen. They use polyester or synthetic silk to make synthetic satin and natural silk fibers to make natural satin.
satin or silk; which one is better
Satin is very similar to silk. Their most important difference is that satin is cheaper than silk. Another difference is that silk is a fabric made from silkworm cocoons, and its process is very difficult and time-consuming; But satin is woven from silk or other fibers and its preparation process is not so difficult.
Is satin pillowcase really useful for skin and hair?
As Instagram posts say, satin pillowcases are great for both skin and hair. But how true is this statement? These benefits are not miraculous; for example It's not like you can expect sleeping on a satin pillowcase to get rid of all your frizz or treat your acne. It's like a lifestyle that helps you have healthier hair and skin.
The benefits of satin pillowcases for skin and hair and its disadvantages
First, let's briefly see the benefits of satin pillowcases for skin and hair and its disadvantages:
- It is cheaper than silk;
- Reduces breakage, split ends and dryness of hair;
- Blow-dry hair stays straight for a longer time;
- It is comfortable and soft on the skin and can even help reduce the fine lines of the face;
- It is better for people with allergies, because it absorbs less dust and mold;
- It partially reduces the symptoms of skin diseases such as dermatitis.
- It is more expensive than fabrics like cotton;
- It needs more care to wash;
- It may be difficult to sleep on it due to its slippery nature and your neck may become dry;
- It is less breathable than cotton.
Benefits of satin pillowcases for hair

According to experts, satin is useful for hair due to its smooth and slippery surface, especially if it is made of silk fibers.
Hair protection against frizz
Due to its soft and smooth surface, satin creates less rough friction with the hair. Usually when you sleep or just lie down, you change the position of your head on the pillow many times. This causes constant rubbing and wear of the hair on the pillowcase. If the pillowcase is cotton or cotton, it pulls the hair or creates friction, which causes frizz. A satin pillowcase eliminates this friction and thus your hair will be less frizzy.
Reduce knots
People who have rough and curly hair face the challenge of tangling more than people who have straight hair. It is true that the beauty of curls and curls cannot be ignored, but it is really difficult to comb tangled and knotted hair. A satin pillowcase makes the hair slide on it and does not get tangled. In this way, your hair will have less knots.
Prevent hair frizz
Untangling frizzy hair is really painful especially in the morning when you are in a hurry. A satin pillowcase can help prevent frizz; Because, as we said, it does not create friction with the hair. If there is no friction, the hair will not tangle or frizz.
Keeping hair and scalp moist
When you sleep on a cotton pillowcase, its absorbent properties make the natural moisture and sebum of the scalp and hair disappear. It is the sebum and moisture of the hair that gives it a healthy and shiny appearance. When sebum is depleted, hair looks brittle and dry.
The natural twists and turns of curly hair make it difficult for sebum to flow from the scalp to the ends of the hair. For this reason, usually curly hair is more prone to dryness and brittleness.
Prevent lint from entering the hair
When you sleep on a cotton pillowcase, the lint gets into your hair overnight and piles up. If your hair is curly or wavy, this fluff will sink into them more and therefore combing it will be painful.
The shiny and smooth surface of the satin pillowcase does not have fluff that collects in your hair, no matter how much you turn and stretch your head on the pillow, the fluff will not get stuck in the hair.
Help scalp health
In addition to hair, satin pillowcases can also be beneficial for the health of the scalp. Because satin is woven from fibers, it cannot absorb moisture from your scalp. For this reason, people who have problems with dry and flaky scalp can use satin pillowcases.
Benefits of satin pillowcases for the skin

The smooth and slippery surface of the satin pillowcase is as good for the skin as it is for the hair.
Reduce skin wrinkles
The satin surface is soft and smooth and therefore useful for reducing wrinkles and revealing fine lines of the skin.
Cotton or cotton pillowcases are firm and non-slippery. For this reason, by pulling and rubbing the skin during the night, they increase wrinkles. More importantly, because they are absorbent, they absorb the moisture of the skin and cause dryness of the skin, which itself is a factor for wrinkles.
Help relieve acne
People who have acne problems, it is better to use pillowcases with a smooth surface to sleep. By eliminating friction, satin pillowcases make acne-prone skin that is sensitive less irritated.
Maintain skin moisture
Satin pillowcases do not absorb skin moisture like cotton, so it is especially useful for people with dry skin.
Benefits of satin pillowcase for eyelashes

Many people have a habit of sleeping on their face and in this way their eyelashes come into contact with the pillowcase. Some eyelashes are fragile and others are extensions and may fall off easily.
A cotton or flannel pillowcase, because it is hard and non-slippery, collides with the eyelashes and causes them to fall or break. While the satin pillowcase (as well as silk) apparently does not damage the eyelashes due to its smooth and slippery surface.
All types of satin pillowcases are here
It is very important to use the right pillowcase when sleeping, especially during the night when you sleep longer. Pillowcases with hard and dry surfaces such as cotton or yarn, which also absorb moisture, damage the skin and hair. Because of its smooth and slippery surface and because it does not absorb moisture, the satin pillowcase helps to maintain the health of the skin and hair and brings you a comfortable sleep with its cool surface. Because of these benefits of satin pillowcase for skin and hair, it has gained many fans.
What fabric do you use for pillowcases? If you have used satin and noticed changes in your skin and hair, please tell us about your experiences in the comments.