One of the most popular exercises in bodybuilding is chest movements. Bodybuilders go to chest exercises seriously to differentiate and grow their breasts.
If you choose and perform breast movements correctly, it is as if you have achieved a shortcut that will shorten the path to your goal of having a voluminous and muscular chest. In this article, we will introduce various types of chest exercises to involve its different muscles.
Anatomy of chest muscles
Pectoral muscles are muscles that are located in the front of the chest and connect the front of the chest to the shoulder and arm. You will absolutely feel your pectoral muscles contract when you swim or hold your baby.
In chest movements, you should pay attention to all parts of the chest. In this section, we discuss the anatomy of the chest muscles and introduce different chest muscles.
pectoralis major muscle This muscle is large and thick, kind of like a fan, and forms the main part of the chest area. The large sebaceous muscle is located under the breast tissue.
Small pectoral muscle It is a small, thin and triangular muscle, which is located under the pectoralis major muscle. This muscle is attached to the ribs and stabilizes the scapula.
subclavian muscle This is another small and delicate muscle that forms the armpit along with the large and small breasts. This muscle moves your shoulders.
Serrated muscles These muscles include a large and intercostal tooth that starts from the external and upper surface of the ribs or fills the intercostal space.
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The importance of chest exercises
When was the last time you did chest exercises? Remember that doing chest exercises is necessary for physical strength and fitness, so don’t neglect it. In this section, we want to bring 4 advantages of chest movements.
1. Improve body posture
As one of the largest muscles in the upper body, the pectoral muscles play an important role in maintaining a fit and strong posture. In addition to the back and shoulder muscles, the chest muscles help to stabilize the correct posture and prevent sagging shoulders, hunched back and forward neck syndrome.
2. Better breathing
In addition to improving posture, strengthening and lengthening the chest muscles will help support deeper breathing. This is because the muscles are attached to your ribs and stretch with each breath.
3. Support breast form
Contrary to the popular belief that performing chest movements will make the breasts smaller, performing chest exercises actually does the exact opposite. Help lift and maintain more of your breasts by building muscle around the breast tissue.
4. Easier and more dynamic life
Even if you don’t realize it, you use your pectoral muscles heavily during daily activities. Anything that involves lifting, holding, squeezing, or pressing will require the help of the shoulder muscles. So having a little extra strength in the pectoral muscle group is a disadvantage.
When strengthening your chest muscles, it’s also important to remember to strengthen your back muscles at the same time, which will help balance and improve posture.
must read Breast volume program for super professional volume
Introducing the best chest movements based on muscle separation
As we said, chest muscles are divided into three main categories. In this section, we will separate these muscles and we will introduce suitable movements for each one.
Upper chest muscles
Dumbbell chest
Dumbbell chest
Parallel dumbbell chest
Dumbbell chest high
Press the chest of the page
Barbell chest press
Smith chest press
Smith’s breastplate on the contrary
Machine chest press
Negative slope swimming on the base
Dumbbell chest
How to move
lie down on a graduated bench (chest table);
Place the dumbbells with your hands on your feet;
Your palms should face forward;
Use your knees to lift and throw the weights up and start moving;
Raise your hands and hold the dumbbells parallel to the shoulder line so that the angle of the elbows is 90 degrees;
This will be the starting point of the movement;
Raise the arms and bring the dumbbells close together so that the arms are perpendicular to the floor.
Dumbbell chest
How to move
First, lie down on a graduated bench;
Place the dumbbells with your hands on your feet;
Your palms should be facing each other;
Use your knees to lift weights;
Raise your hands above your chest and hold the dumbbells together;
This will be the starting point of the movement;
raise your hands so that the hands are perpendicular to the ground;
Then return to the starting position.
Parallel dumbbell chest
How to move
sit on the bench;
Hold the dumbbells in your hands so that the angle of your elbows is 90 degrees and the palms of your hands are completely facing each other;
Press the dumbbells up and close together;
Lower the dumbbells to the side of the chest;
Then slowly move the weight upwards;
In the upper part of the movement, try not to straighten your elbows completely so that the pressure is transferred to your joints.
Hammer dumbbell chest rack
How to move
Lie on an incline table and hold each dumbbell in one hand and place it on your thigh;
Hold the dumbbell with a hammer so that the hands are facing the body and the heads of the dumbbells are parallel to each other;
Using your legs, lift the dumbbells and hold them by your body, while your elbows are slightly bent;
While keeping the curve of the arms constant, raise the arms to the point where the dumbbells meet;
While performing this part of the movement, perform exhalation (breathing out), after a short pause, return to the starting point of the movement at the same time as performing the tail action (breathing in).
tip: Note that the movement is done only through the shoulder joint and not the elbow.
The top of the page
How to move
Choose a barbell plate and hold it in your hand;
sleep on the high-chested bench;
Hold the screen with your palms;
Do not involve your claws in any way;
Your hands are straight and stretched above the body;
Slowly try to lower the screen on the chest;
Then move up.
Barbell chest press
How to move
Place the appropriate weight on the barbell;
While the legs are flat and on the floor or placed on the place where the feet are placed, lie on the table with the chest up;
The waist should be arched and the shoulders should be pulled back;
Lower the bar on the marked upper part of the chest;
then remove it from the device and hold it above the chest while the hands are fully extended; This will be the starting point of the movement;
Lower the bar by bending your elbows and keep the weight under your control the whole time;
Elbows should be slightly inclined inside the body;
After the bar touches your body slightly, return it to the starting point.
Smith chest press
How to move
Place the graduated bench (chest) under the Smith machine;
The position of the table is such that the Smith bar is placed along the top of your chest;
While the distance of the hands is more than the width of the shoulders, grab the Asimite bar;
Then remove the bar from the locked position, and while keeping your hands stretched above the chest; This is the starting place;
Now, while inhaling, slowly lower the barbell to the upper chest;
Do this by bending your hands and bringing your elbows towards the bench;
Exhale and return the barbell to the starting position using the upper chest muscles;
Make sure you keep your chest up and your shoulder blades close to the bench throughout the exercise.
When the reps are finished, lock the bar.
Reverse Smith’s Chest Press
How to move
First, lie down on the graduated bench placed under the Smith machine;
Lie down so that the Smith bar is above your chest;
Take the Smith bar as a reverse wrist;
so that your hands are more than shoulder width apart;
Open the device and try to slowly approach the top of the chest;
Then return to the initial position.
Machine chest press
How to move
First, put the appropriate weight on the device and adjust the seat according to your height;
The handles should be next to the chest muscles at the starting point of the movement;
Your head and chest should lean upwards and your shoulders backwards; This is the starting point of movement;
Move the handles forward, after a brief pause at the highest point, return the weight to near the starting point;
By returning to the starting point until the end of the specified number of repetitions, the pressure of the weights will be constantly on the muscles.
Negative slope swimming on the base
How to move
Sit on the floor so that your palms are wider than shoulder width apart.
Place your feet on the high platform;
Your body should be completely smooth;
Try to bend the elbows and bring them close to the chest area and then come up.
pectoral muscles
Dumbbell bra
under the chest of dumbbells
Parallel dumbbell chest
Dumbbell under chest
Barbell chest press
Chest press machine
Dumbbell bra
How to move
Firmly place your feet on the end of the incline table and lie down while holding a dumbbell in each hand;
Raise the hands and rotate the dumbbells so that the palms are towards the feet;
Now, while inhaling, lower the hands until the elbows form a ninety-degree angle;
During the movement, the forearm should always be perpendicular to the ground;
Finally, exhale and return the dumbbells to the starting point using your chest muscles.
under the chest of dumbbells
How to move
sleep on the bench under the chest;
Hold your dumbbells together and try to slowly lower the dumbbells down;
Then reset.
Parallel dumbbell press
How to move
Sit on the bench and hold dumbbells in your hands so that your elbows are at a 90-degree angle and your palms are completely facing each other.
Press the dumbbells up and then lower the dumbbells to the side of the chest;
Then slowly move the weight up;
In the upper part of the movement, try not to straighten your elbows completely so as not to put pressure on your joints.
Dumbbell chest rack
How to move
Sit on the bench under the chest and if you do the movement at home, lie on your back on the floor;
Place the soles of your feet on the ground and keep your back and hips up and stay in this position;
Hold the dumbbells in your hands so that the angle of your elbows is 90 degrees and the palms of your hands are facing each other;
Press the dumbbells up so that the palms of your hands are facing each other in the movement, and then lower the dumbbells to the side of the chest;
Then slowly move the weight up again and in the upper part of the movement, try not to straighten your elbows completely so that the pressure on your joints is transferred.
Barbell chest press
How to move
Sit on the table under the chest and lie down;
keep your hands on the barbell bar one and a half shoulder width apart;
Lift the bar and lower it to the chest and then slowly move the weight up;
In the upper part of the movement, try not to straighten your elbows completely so that the pressure is transferred to your joints.
Chest press machine
How to move
Place the appropriate weight on the device and adjust the seat at a high height suitable for your height;
At the beginning of the movement, the handles should be next to the muscles under the chest;
Your arms and chest should be up and your shoulders back;
Push the handles forward;
After a brief pause at the highest point, return the weight to the starting point;
In this way, the pressure caused by the movement will be on the muscle until the end of the set.
Large pectoral muscles
swimming jump
Swedish swimming
swimming knee land
parallel chest
Dumbbell chest press
Single arm dumbbell chest press
Interval dumbbell press
Dumbbell chest press
Parallel dumbbell chest press
swimming jump
How to move
First, lie on the floor with your hands as wide as your shoulders; the tips of the toes are on the ground; The body should be completely flat and level with the ground; In this position, bend your elbows and bring your chest closer to the ground; When you come up, try to push yourself up and separate your palms from the ground.
Swedish swimming
How to move
Lie on the floor so that your palms and toes are on the floor;
keep the upper body up while the hands are stretched and at a distance of about 90 cm from each other;
Go down until the chest does not reach the ground;
Return the upper body to the starting point and contract the chest muscle;
After a brief pause at the highest point, you can go back down and repeat the movement as many times as needed.
swimming knee land
How to move
First, lie on the ground so that your palms and knees are on the ground;
Bend your elbows and bring your chest close to the ground;
Then go back to the beginning.
parallel chest
How to move
To be at the starting point, stand on the machine, but do not lock your hands completely, and slowly go down;
Make sure to stick your chin to your chest and keep your head completely down;
You should lean your elbow back a little to continue until you feel a stretch in the chest muscle;
then return to the starting point using palm pressure;
Also, to get the best result from doing this exercise at the highest point, contract the muscle;
If you don’t have enough strength to perform the movement correctly and completely, you can get help;
Professional athletes can do this movement heavier by holding the weight between their legs.
Dumbbell chest press
How to move
First, choose a suitable pair of dumbbells and lie on the bench;
To start the movement, the hand should be straight and extended and the dumbbells should be above the chest;
Lower the dumbbells to the chest and then slowly move the weight up;
When going down, try to make the angle of your elbow and arm a 90 degree angle;
In the upper part of the movement, try not to straighten your elbows completely so that the pressure is transferred to your joints.
Single dumbbell chest press
How to move
sit on the press table;
Choose a suitable pair of dumbbells and lie on the bench;
At the beginning of the movement, the hand should be completely straight and stretched;
Lower one of the dumbbells to the chest and then slowly move the weight up;
Until the end of the repetition, your other hand should be smooth and motionless and done with only one hand;
Then do for the other hand;
When going down, try to make the angle of your elbow and arm a 90 degree angle;
In the upper part of the movement, try not to straighten your elbows completely so as not to put pressure on your joints.
Intermittent dumbbell chest press
How to move
Choose a suitable pair of dumbbells;
lie down on the couch;
At the beginning of the movement, the hand should be completely straight and stretched, and the dumbbells should be above the chest;
With one hand, lower the dumbbell to the chest and then slowly move the weight up;
Now perform the same movement with the other hand;
In the same way, perform the movement once with the right hand and once with the left hand;
When going down, try to make the angle of your elbow and arm a 90 degree angle;
In the upper part of the movement, try not to straighten your elbows completely so that the pressure is transferred to your joints.
Dumbbell bench press
How to move
Choose a suitable pair of dumbbells;
lie down on the couch;
hands should be straight above the body;
Attach the dumbbells together;
In the same position, bend the elbows and lower the dumbbells to the chest;
Then return to the initial state.
Parallel dumbbell chest press
How to move
hold the dumbbells and lie on the table;
The feet should be flat on the ground and the shoulders should be tilted back;
While the palms are facing each other, stretch the arms and hold the weights in front of you so that they have a ninety degree angle to the floor;
Now bend the elbows and lower the dumbbells to the side of the upper body;
After a brief pause at the lowest point, return the weights to the starting point.
Dumbbell chest
Percy’s dumbbell chest
Hammer dumbbell chest
Barbell chest press
Reverse wrist barbell chest press
Standing bench press
Full page chest press
Smith chest press
Chest press machine
One-handed crossover
Dumbbell chest
How to move
Choose a suitable pair of dumbbells and lie on the bench;
The distance between the hands should be equal to the width of the shoulders and the palms facing each other;
Bend the elbows slightly and move the hands away from each other in a semicircle and bring them down;
Stop when you feel a full stretch on the pectoral muscle;
Then return the hands to the starting point;
At the highest point, contract the muscles and maintain the curvature and degree of bending of the hands in every position;
Pause at the highest point.
Percy’s dumbbell chest
How to move
Choose a suitable pair of dumbbells and lie on your knees;
This movement consists of two parts. The first part is related to the movement of the press and the upper part to the movement of the rack;
When the hands are down next to your chest and body, the palms should be facing forward and similar to the press position;
And when you perform the upward movement, you should rotate the wrist during the movement and the palms should be facing each other.
Hammer dumbbell chest
How to move
Lie on a flat table and hold the dumbbells in a hammer position, that is, the ends of the dumbbells should be parallel to each other;
This is the starting point of the movement while keeping the curvature of the hands constant;
Raise the arms to the point where the dumbbells meet;
Move the hands apart and return to the starting point after a pause.
tip: Note that the movement is done only through the shoulder joint and not the elbow.
Barbell chest press
How to move
First lie on a flat table;
The distance between the hands should be normal, a little wider than the width of the shoulder, so that in the middle of the movement, a 90 degree angle is created between the arm and the forearm;
Remove the barbell from the device and hold it in front of your chest; This is the starting point of movement;
From this point, breathe in (tail action) and slowly lower the barbell until the barbell reaches your chest;
After a brief pause, exhale as you raise the barbell to your starting point;
(Exhale) Focus on using your chest muscle, contract the chest muscle at the highest point and after a short pause, slowly come back down;
The barbell must be under your control in all situations;
When you have done the desired number of repetitions, leave the barbell in place.
Reverse wrist barbell chest press
How to move
Lie on your back on the bench press;
Lie on the bench so that your eyes are under the barbell;
Place your hands on the barbell bar with your wrists slightly wider than your shoulders.
keep the soles of your feet firmly on the ground;
To begin with, try using light weights to lift the bar and try to slowly bring it closer to the chest;
Then press the bar upwards.
Standing bench press
How to move
First, stand straight and hold a page between your palms;
Now bring the screen closer to the middle of the chest muscles;
After a short pause, return the page to the starting point.
Full page chest press
How to move
lie on the bed table;
Take a page between your palms;
Now, by breathing in, lower the screen to the point where it has not yet hit the chest;
After a brief pause at the bottom of the movement, exhale and return the plate to the starting point.
Smith chest press
How to move
Place a flat bench in the middle of Smith;
then lie on it;
Your upper chest should be parallel to the barbell, while your lower back is slightly arched and your hips are firmly planted on the bench;
While the distance of the hands is more than the width of the shoulders, grab the barbell;
Then remove the barbell from the locked position and hold it directly above the chest while the hands are completely straight;
Now, while inhaling, slowly lower the barbell by bending your elbows and moving your hands towards the bench;
While exhaling, return the weight to the starting position using the chest muscles;
Make sure the chest is up and the shoulder blades are back throughout the exercise;
When the repetitions are finished, carefully place the barbell in the locked position;
If necessary, ask someone to watch over you while doing this exercise.
Chest press machine
How to move
sit on the chest press;
Adjust the height so that the handles are at chest level;
Press your feet on the levers at the bottom of the device to help you;
Move the handles forward until the hands are straight;
Make sure that when holding the handles, the palms are facing down and the elbows are lower than the shoulders;
When you reach the rearmost point of the range of motion where the elbows are at an angle of about ninety degrees, exhale and push the handles forward using your chest muscles.
One-handed crossover
How to move
To be at the starting point, place the clamp at the highest height of the device;
Then choose your desired weight;
Hold the handle with one hand and take a step forward and keep your hand in front of your stomach;
Your upper body should lean slightly forward from the waist;
This will be your starting point;
You can keep your other hand on your waist to keep your balance better;
While your elbow is slightly bent, open your hand to the side of the body until you feel a stretch in the chest muscle;
Then, using the chest muscle, return the hand to the starting point;
Make sure that the curved shape of the hand is maintained when returning to the starting point of the movement;
Repeat the same movement for your other hand.
final word
Many bodybuilders spend hours a day training their chest, but few achieve the results they want. To achieve the desired results, it is necessary to use a basic and professional bodybuilding program.
In this article, we introduced the best and most effective breast movements. According to your goal, you should include these movements in your program.