Scientists teach dogs to kill deadly bacteria from the skin, urine and clothing, because dogs are creatures with more than 300 million smell receivers.
According to RCO News AgencyDogs are not just loyalists; They also have the hidden powers that we are just getting to know.
Professor Jane Davies and his colleagues at Imperial College London have discovered by working on dogs that these creatures can easily identify bacteria such as Pseudomonas by smelling samples.
According to the Guardian, a dog of the Golden Labrador, Jodie and other dogs, have shown this extraordinary ability.
Dogs’ capacity to diagnose specific bacteria for people with cystic fibrosis (a common genetic disorder) is promising. Under these conditions, a defective protein causes mucosal accumulation in the organs, especially the lungs, which results in continuous and gradual infections.
Current methods are aggressive and expensive and cannot be used repeatedly. This is where Judy and detective dogs come in.
Dogs provide a potential solution by providing a non -invasive and efficient diagnosis method.
Diagnosis of Pseudomonas
Dogs have more than 300 million smell receivers that allow them to detect very weak odors.
Judy and other trained dogs in controlled experiments were able to accurately identify Pseudomonas in laboratory samples. They walked by smelling samples and sat down when they identified the bacterium, indicating successful identification.
“We have shown that dogs in laboratory environments can detect pseudomonas in the samples,” says Davis.
Moderating drugs are currently used to treat cystic fibrosis patients. However, these drugs make it harder to detect bacterial infections. These drugs reduce the mucosa, which makes it harder to collect sputum samples for bacterial testing.
This is where the use of dogs becomes a valuable alternative to diagnosis.
“We believe that Judy and medical dogs are referring to a new way to identify infected people, which can only be smelled by the smell of socks or shirts,” Davis added. They can be a great help to antimicrobial resistance and conditions such as cystic fibrosis.
A non -invasive method
Dogs’ strong sense of smell can help early diagnosis of these infections as well as improve the management and treatment of cystic fibrosis patients.
Cystic fibrosis treatment has been challenged over the past eighty years. Previously, the disease was sentenced to death for most patients in adolescence. However, the development of modulating drugs has increased life expectancy and allows patients to live an early age.
Despite this success, these drugs do not completely eliminate chronic lung infections that affect people with cystic fibrosis.
Patients may be susceptible to sustainable bacterial infections, which are still a serious threat to their health and longevity.
Pseudomonas bacteria often exhibit antibiotic resistance, and therefore accurate diagnosis is the key to proper antibiotic administration.
The team hopes to develop this dog -based method to diagnose other infectious diseases.
Rapid and accurate diagnosis means faster and targeted treatment, reduced relying on widespread antibiotics, and reduces the expansion of antimicrobial resistance.
The team has received a budget to expand its research aimed at training dogs to diagnose pseudomonas bacteria directly from patients’ skin, urine or clothing. This will be a significant improvement in the diagnosis of non -invasive bacteria.
This is not the first time a dog has been used to diagnose disease in humans. In 2018, researchers also showed that dogs can detect malaria by smelling socks.
In addition, dogs have also shown the potential to detect prostate and thyroid cancer and low blood sugar in diabetic patients.
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