A knowledge-based company has succeeded in reviving the “Vaj” medicinal plant. This achievement is not only recognized as a promising candidate for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, but also acts as an effective factor in the development of the rural economy.
According to RCO News Agency, A knowledge-based company produces and processes the medicinal plant “Vaj” and its oil extract. The “Vaj” plant, which was previously thought to be extinct in Iran, has many uses in traditional medicine sources.
According to the Communication and Information Center of the Vice President for Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy, this company has succeeded in rediscovering this plant after about half a century since the last report of the wed plant in Iran, and considering the danger of its extinction, towards domestication and cultivation. it is gone After a decade of activity, this company has achieved the cultivation technology of this native and valuable plant.
Abbas Qolipour, the CEO of this knowledge-based company, referring to the uses of Vej plant, added: This plant was used in traditional medicine to solve digestive, kidney, and liver problems, and in recent studies, it has been introduced as a candidate for Alzheimer’s treatment. It is also used in the perfume industry.
He continued: The extract produced in this collection, called Elixir Vaj, is very effective in preventing and treating joint diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, back pain, and muscle spasms.
According to this technology activist, the biggest achievement of this collection is the localization of vegetable cultivation. Until now, this plant was cultivated only in India and Sri Lanka, but now Iran has become its third producer. Also, this company has succeeded in localizing the production of raw materials of this plant, which was previously imported.
The CEO of this knowledge-based company noted: We have created the first five-hectare farm of Veg plant. The purpose of our collection is divided into two parts, one is the localization of the plant and the second is job creation that will happen with the development of cultivation.
Regarding the effect of this plant in less fertile areas, Qolipour said: Cultivation of vej plant in farms and villages creates employment in less fortunate areas. Also, the high added value of this medicinal plant can greatly contribute to the rural economy.
While emphasizing the importance of the quality of medicinal plants and their processing, he expressed hope that with the support of the National Abadiran Program and the facilitation of this program, they can achieve the development of the cultivation of this plant, especially in rural and less privileged areas.
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