According to Mehr reporter, in order to familiarize the elite community with the needs and issues of the country and to encourage them to work as a group around national issues, the regionE and strategic, centered on prominent academic, industrial, artistic professors, etc., the National Elite Foundation approved this policy, which was named “Shahid Ahmadi Roshan Project” in recognition of the efforts of Martyr Mustafa Ahmadi Roshan in the field of science and technology in the country. , supports the formation of problem-oriented cores.
“Education, empowerment and skill enhancement of students, students and graduates around a real issue”; “Guidance of students, students and graduates to solve national and regional problems E and strategic of the country”; “Increasing social skills and creating a sense of self-confidence in students, students and graduates” is one of the most important goals of implementing this plan.
Also, “creating a network of students, students and graduates with the ability to work in a group and solve problems” and “increasing the trust of executive bodies, scientific centers and the private sector in the cores” are among the other goals of Shahid Ahmadi Roshan’s plan.
It should be said; This project is in line with the implementation of action 2-2-2 of the country’s strategic document on elite affairs (approved by the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution in 2013) regarding “organization and development active student cores, permanent monitoring and targeted and phased support of them with the aim of turning these cores into elite groups”, based on note Articles 3 and 4Regulations Identification, growth and excellence of top talents and elites on the path of elites” (approved by the Board of Trustees of the National Elites Foundation on 10/11/1402 is on the agenda of the National Elites Foundation.