Recently, astronomers have discovered a radio signal from a radio burst that dates back to 8 billion years ago.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, astronomers have received a radio signal that belongs to 8 billion years ago and actually managed to travel about half the age of the observable universe.
The detected signal belongs to the class of fast radio bursts, and according to their name, these bursts are radio waves and last only a few milliseconds. Also, astronomers believe that its origin is in the corners of the sky. Its origin has not yet been precisely determined, but it is probably related to neutron stars or magnetars, which have also been observed to emit suspicious signals before.
The recent discovery is the most distant fast radio burst ever discovered. The detected radio bursts were all at most a few billion light-years away, and the closest ones came from a few tens of thousands of light-years away in the Milky Way. By studying the arrival time of different wavelengths of light in these radio signals, astronomers can also better understand the density of the matter they have passed through.