Jordan denied the American newspaper's claim about Aman's offer to the Syrian…
The tactical retreat of the Syrian army and Al-Arabiya's claim about the…
The advance of the Syrian army and the destruction of terrorist positions…
Moqtada Sadr: We have nothing for the Syrian people except good prayers!…
Iran's initiative to solve the Syrian crisis Iran's foreign minister, while expressing…
The Syrian army confirmed the arrival of terrorists in the city of…
Ukraine: We are not involved in the Syrian war On Wednesday, Ukraine…
The attack of the American invaders on the Syrian army - Mehr…
Heavy conflict between the Syrian army and terrorists in the northeast of…
Sullivan: We are consulting with regional partners to address the Syrian crisis…
The moment of destruction of terrorist positions in Idlib by Russian and…
Families play an important role in preventing the incidents of Chaharshan Suri.…
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