Tag: photographer

Travel to date; Qazvini ice cream in the frame of foreign photographer!

This historic photo, recorded by Charles Schroeder during the Pahlavi era, depicts

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The winners of the bird photographer of the year; The magical moments of nature in the camera frame

The "Bird Photographer of the Year" race emphasizes the importance of protecting

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Travel to ancient Isfahan; Jolfa neighborhood and passers -by in the frame of foreign photographer

The Swiss photographer and tourist has a historic photo of the Jolfa

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Old Ramsar Hotel in American Photographer Frame; The glory of the hotel in the 1980s

The American photographer recorded an attractive image of the Ramsar Historical Hotel

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Tehran’s perspective in the Qajar photographer frame; This palace has always been impressive!

Ali Khan Governor has recorded pictures of the Tehran city's vision in

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A special view of the role of the world in the frame of a foreign photographer

Naqsh Jahan Square in Isfahan has always been the focus of foreign

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Kazaqkhaneh of Mashak Square in the frame of a foreign photographer

Mashakh Square is one of the historical and sad centers of Tehran.Frederik

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Historical view of the city of Isfahan in the frame of an American photographer

The American photographer has recorded a view of the historical city of

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The story of a photographer who quit his full-time job to work in the NFT market

Every day we hear more and more stories about people who have

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