Tag: Europe

Switzerland’s decision to participate in the defense project despite military neutrality

Switzerland's decision to participate in the defense project despite military neutrality Switzerland,

2 Min Read

Immunity of the Zionist regime in the shameful statement of the Council of Europe

Immunity of the Zionist regime in the shameful statement of the Council

3 Min Read

End of flights of Iranian planes to Europe

After the imposition of new EU sanctions against Iran, no Iranian airline

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Swiss Alps; Green and blue paradise in the heart of Europe

The Swiss Alps take on a magnificent appearance in the summer with

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Europe Clipper Mission; Searching for life in icy oceans

NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft is ready for launch to explore Europa's icy

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Expansion of investment in dual-use product startups in Europe

As the war in Ukraine escalates, dual-use product startups have become very

4 Min Read

The oldest countries in Europe Year of establishment + name of the founder

The oldest countries in Europe are between 500 and 1,700 years old.

18 Min Read

What is the cheapest way to travel to Europe?

Europe is one of the attractive tourist destinations, which travel often costs

10 Min Read

Supporters of Palestine march across Europe

Supporters of Palestine march across Europe At the same time as the

4 Min Read

Expansion of investment in dual-use product startups in Europe

As the war in Ukraine escalates, dual-use product startups have become very

4 Min Read

YouTube, TikTok and Snapchat must answer to Europe about their algorithms

The European Union has asked Snapchat, YouTube and TikTok to provide more

2 Min Read

The complete guide to planning a trip to Europe for newcomers

If you are traveling to Europe for the first time, this comprehensive

6 Min Read