fitness trainer

fitness trainer

452 Articles

What is the sign of whistling in the left and right ears? In strange and transcendental sciences

What is the sign of whistling in the ear?Whistling or buzzing or ringing in the ears is a complication that

10 Min Read

What is the best exercise for blood fat?

How can we control our blood lipids? Which exercise is suitable and useful for blood fat? What is a blood

9 Min Read

The cause of pain in the left breast and armpit of women + burning and shooting in the left breast

The cause of pain in the left chest and armpitBreast pain is one of the most common types of pain

8 Min Read

What is the best diet for weight loss?

What is the best weight loss diet in the world? What is your favorite weight loss diet? Day by day,

25 Min Read

The miracle of alpha ointment to remove pimples and spots on the face + how to use it

Alpha ointment for pimples and spots on the faceIn general, Alpha Ointment is considered to be one of the types

5 Min Read

Bodybuilding for surfing + 15 examples of sports training for athletes in this field

Is bodybuilding necessary for surfing and is it effective in improving the performance of surfers? Surfing is one of the

9 Min Read

The cause of cold feet in women What is the sign of cold feet?

The cause of cold feet in women and its treatmentCold feet in people is a common problem that may happen

8 Min Read

How many calories are in nuts? How many calories are in a handful of Yalda Shab nuts?

Nuts are delicious and healthy, but have you ever thought about the calories in nuts? Yalda night is near and

7 Min Read

The best supplement for weight gain for skinny people

One of the most frequent questions for those who want to gain weight is, what is the best supplement for

12 Min Read

How and when to take acyclovir 400 tablets for herpes and chicken pox?

Acyclovir 400 tablets for herpes and chicken poxAcyclovir 400 tablets is one of the types of antiviral tablets that are

5 Min Read

What is classical physics and how is it different from bodybuilding and physics?

What is classical wind or classical physics and what are its characteristics? What is the difference between classical physics and

10 Min Read

The cause of coccyx pain in women while sitting + home treatment of coccyx pain

Coccyx pain in womenCoccyx pain is one of the joint pains related to the end bones of the spine and

6 Min Read

What is anaerobic exercise and how is it different from aerobic exercise?

What is anaerobic exercise? This term is probably unfamiliar to you, but anaerobic exercise is a very common and popular

7 Min Read

How to lower the child’s fever? Lowering the child’s fever with onion and lemon juice

How to lower the child's fever? Ways to lower a child's feverIn general, fever indicates the level of defense or

6 Min Read

How to do a long plank? + A solution to break Planck’s record

How to do a long plank? What are the strategies for doing the long plank movement? Plank is a useful

10 Min Read