The end of the physical protection of John Bolton by Trump’s order – Mehr News agency RCO News Agency
According to RCO News Agency, citing C it itJohn Bolton, the former US Ambassador to the United Nations during George Bush Jr.’s tenure and the US National Security Adviser during the first term steering wheel The White House is considered by Trump to be among the most controversial and conservative figures in the United States who had a controversial relationship with Trump.
Based on this, Donald Trump, after starting his second term as president in the United States on Monday, made a series of decisions that included revenge on Bolton.
Trump ended John Bolton’s physical protection on Tuesday.
Bolton was under special physical protection due to the fact that he was America’s national security adviser and was concerned about Iran’s retaliation against him due to his role in the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani, the former commander of the Quds Force.
In order to create a psychological war against Iran, the United States has intensified the physical protection of former officials of this country, including Mike Pompeo, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Brian hookthe head of the Iran desk in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had done so because of the fear of terror from Tehran.
Masoud Mezikian, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in an interview with Leicester Holta prominent presenter of the network it America’s BC News clearly emphasized: Tehran has never sought to assassinate American officials, neither in the past nor at any other time, and this issue was raised by the Zionists with the aim of psychological warfare against Iran.