Gharib Abadi’s account of his and Ravanchi’s consultation with Mora in Geneva
The legal and international deputy of Iran’s foreign ministry said that he and Majid Takht Ravanchi, political deputy of Iran’s foreign minister, had open and constructive talks with Enrique Mora, the deputy in charge of foreign policy of the European Union in Geneva.
According to RCO News Agency, Kazem Gharibabadi wrote in this connection on the “X” social page: “We had open and constructive discussions with Enrique Mora and his team in Geneva.”
He added: “We mainly discussed the lifting of sanctions and the nuclear issue, as well as other issues of mutual interest. “We also discussed Europe’s unacceptable support for the Israeli regime’s crimes in Gaza.”
Enrique Mora, the deputy head of foreign policy of the European Union, previously wrote on his X page in connection with these consultations: “Today, I met separately with the deputy foreign ministers of Iran, Majid Takht Ravanchi and Kazem Gharibabadi in Geneva. “During this constructive meeting, we discussed diplomatic solutions for the issue of Iran’s nuclear program.”
The deputy coordinator of the European Union added: “We also addressed Iran’s unacceptable military support to Russia, bilateral and regional issues.”
Kazem Gharibabadi’s message in X
Despite the acknowledgment of the authorities of Kiev that Iran does not provide military support to Russia and the legitimacy of bilateral relations between Moscow and Tehran based on international laws, the European delegation has claimed Iran’s military support to Russia in order to put pressure on the two countries. Iranian officials have always emphasized their desire to end the war in Ukraine through a diplomatic solution.
The consultation between Mura and the deputy foreign ministers of Iran will take place after the new round of negotiations between Iran and the European troika (UK, France and Germany) on Monday evening. This round of negotiations was held in continuation of the New York negotiations in October and the Geneva negotiations in December of this year.
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