survey; Trump reached out to Harris
The results of a new poll show that “Kamala Harris”, who saw a significant increase in her popularity among voters after the election debate with “Donald Trump”, has now stopped and her popularity is the same as Trump’s.
According to Isna, a new poll by NBC News shows that Donald Trump, the candidate of the Republican Party in the 2024 US presidential election, and Kamala Harris, his Democratic rival, are equally popular, and Trump has managed to reach Harris.
According to NBC News, while there are three weeks left until the US presidential election, this new poll shows that Harris’s popularity has decreased and Trump’s has increased compared to a month ago.
Citing the 48% votes of both candidates in this election, the American media has announced that there are no more signs of Harris’s popularity improving and this competition is very closely followed. In last month’s NBC News poll, Trump had 44% of the vote and Harris was leading with 49%.
According to NBC News, one of the reasons for the decrease in popularity of Harris compared to Trump is that he is a party member and vice president of the current US President Joe Biden, and American voters do not see him as a symbol of a fundamental change in the political process, but as a symbol of the continuation of existing policies. they see
However, 10 percent of voters told Harris and Trump that they might change their minds. Many participants in the survey also said that they still do not know which candidate to vote for in the November 5th (November 15) elections.
The statistics show that Harris and Trump have a close race, and according to this poll, Harris should focus on attracting undecided voters, and Trump should assure those who might vote for him that he will not repeat the unpredictable and controversial behavior of his first presidential term. .
Four percent of the participants in this survey said that if they had to choose between these 2 figures, they would either not participate in the elections or still do not know which one to vote for.
Although in a hypothetical two-way contest between Harris and Trump, the electoral votes would be evenly distributed between Trump and Harris, in a free race with other candidates, the NBC poll shows that 47 percent of the participants would vote for Trump and 46 percent for Harris. they give
The poll also showed that Trump would beat Harris 79-47 if Republican turnout increased, but if Democratic turnout increased, it would be Harris leading with 49 percent of the vote and Trump with only 46 percent. obtains
Additionally, a new NBC poll shows that Harris is far more popular among black voters, beating Trump by 84 percent to 11 percent. He also beats Trump among 18-34 voters 37-57 and among educated whites 55-41.
By contrast, among rural voters in America, Trump wins 78-23, among white voters 42-56, and among whites who have not attended college, 65-33.
NBC News also announced that Harris’ popularity among American women is 14% and Trump’s popularity among American men is 16% higher than the rival candidate.
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