Nowruz in different countries of the world How is it held? at all Nowruz is celebrated in which countries? And What are the customs of different countries for Nowruz Eid? Did you know that more than 187 million people celebrate Nowruz in 14 countries? In this article from the service life style At Cyrus magazine To Nowruz in different countries and their common customs we pay

In which countries is Nowruz?
Nowruz in different countries It is celebrated like Nowruz in Iran. Most of these countries that celebrate Nowruz are neighboring or neighboring countries of Iran. In addition to Iran, Nowruz is celebrated in various other countries such as the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus and parts of the Balkans such as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Albania, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Nowruz in different countries

Nowruz Eid in Iran
Nowruz in Iran It is known as the most important celebration of the year and is associated with the beginning of the new year. Actually, the celebration of Nowruz has started from the last Tuesday before the new year with the name of Chaharban Suri.
Wednesday in Zoroastrian religion was to mark the end of winter and heralded the descent of the deceased. Syrian Wednesday customs It still exists among Iranians. But all these are preparations for the coming of spring and the celebration of Nowruz, which has an ancient history.
Nowruz Eid customs in different cities It is almost the same. Iranians start housewarming before Eid Eid green varieties They turn it green to welcome Nowruz. In these days also, Various sweets of Nowruz Eid They are baked like chickpea sweets, rice sweets, nougat, etc. or you can find them immediately in pastry shops.
In addition to sweets, some foods are special for Eid. Nowruz Eid foods in different cities, they make the mood of Nowruz more special. In addition to all this, Special snacks and nuts for EidThey will be a staple of Eid parties.

In any case, Nowruz and its related customs, The philosophy of greening the green, Philosophy and symbols of Haft Sin table, History of Haft Sin table, Setting the Haft Sin table And…everything shows that Nowruz Eid has a special place and importance for Iranians.
Nowruz in Pakistan

Pakistanis celebrate Nowruz on the first of April and coincides with March 21. Pakistan, which used to be a part of Iran’s territory, has traditions similar to our present-day Iran for Nowruz.
At Nowruz Eid ceremony of Pakistan Various competitions such as horse racing and wrestling are held at the beginning of the new year. The custom of flying kites and putting animals in front of the public is another thing that the people of our eastern neighbor do on the occasion of New Year and Nowruz.
Pakistanis celebrate Nowruz by wearing new and colorful clothes, giving each other colored eggs, setting Haft Sin table, seeing and visiting friends and acquaintances, etc. Even in some parts of this country, women take up guns and hunt with the start of Eid.
But one of Special celebrations of Pakistanis on Nowruz Eidis the “Basnet” ceremony. In this celebration, people go on the roofs and dance and rejoice. Distributing all kinds of sweets and food is one of these Nowruz ceremony in Pakistan is considered. This ceremony is considered to have survived and was influenced by the customs of Iran and Indochina.

Nowruz in Türkiye
For Turkish people, Nowruz is celebrated on March 21 as the ancient and main holiday of the people of this country. Turkish customs to celebrate Nowruz It is very similar to Iranians. Greening the green of Eid, drinking different drinks, wearing new and colorful clothes, seeing and visiting, etc. are the customs of Turks for Nowruz Eid.
Of course Nowruz holiday for Turkish It is not very long, but during this time, people cook different sweets, celebrate and celebrate, help the disadvantaged and celebrate this ancient festival by jumping over the fire.
It is not bad to know that the Kurdish regions of Turkey have a one- to two-day Nowruz holiday, and in other regions, there is no official holiday for Nowruz. Because the Turkish calendar has been adjusted with the Gregorian calendars in previous years, and Turks celebrate their New Year with the Gregorian New Year.
Nowruz in Kosovo
“Kosovo” is on the Balkan Peninsula, a part of Southeast Europe, bordering Serbia and Bulgaria. The people of Kosovo also celebrate March 21 as Nowruz Eid and know it as “Sultan Nowruz Festival”.
On the day Nowruz in KosovoCeremony Cooking Semno It is held and people go to visit shrines. The custom of seeing and visiting is also an important part of Nowruz Eid ceremony. Albanian Sufis consider Nowruz to coincide with the birth of Imam Ali (a.s.) and prayer and prayers are an integral part of Albanian customs in Kosovo, coinciding with Nowruz.
Cooking and baking dishes with mutton meat and tradition Decorate colored eggs It is also common these days. It should be said that The customs of Nowruz in many regions of Southeast Europe which were once under the control of the Ottoman government, is similar to the celebration of Easter.
Nowruz in Afghanistan
For Afghans, Nowruz, like Pakistanis, has similar customs to Iranians. The ceremony of baking Semnou, reading folk poems while stirring and cooking Semnou, celebrating red tulips in Mazar-i-Sharif, raising the flag on top of a tomb in the Blue Mosque (this place is considered to be the tomb and burial place of Imam Ali (AS)) everyone and everyone As part of the ceremony Nowruz Eid in Afghanistan Is.
Afghans for Nowruz, delicious and varied foods and nuts are placed on the Haftsin table, which is called “dessert of seven fruits”. The fruits and nuts of this dessert include red raisins, black raisins, yellow raisins, elderberries, pistachios, dried apricots, and dried apples.
For Nowruz Eid night as a dinner on the night of Nowruz Eid. Vegetable pilaf with fish Or Vegetable pilaf with chickenIt is the main food of Afghans.
Nowruz in Turkmenistan
Turkmens, as their northeastern neighbors, have declared March 21 and 22 as Nowruz. On this day, Turkmens go to the graves of their dead and give alms to them. Turkmens adhere to cooking and placing Semno on their Eid tables as one of the traditions of Nowruz and perform the Semnopazi ceremony.
Also in Days of Nowruz Eid in Turkmenistan Various competitions are held for entertainment such as horse racing, wrestling, cockfighting. Turkmens visit each other on New Year’s Eve and dance and stomp in local centers. With these works, they celebrate the coming of Nowruz and the new year.
Nowruz in Tajikistan
For our Tajik neighbors, March 20-22 are considered as Nowruz days. Tajiks celebrate Nowruz like Iranians, and Nowruz is one of the biggest celebrations for them. In Tajikistan, there are some special ceremonies for Nowruz, such as the flower-carrying ceremony, the Pisces ceremony, nightingale singing, planting greens, and making semno.
The “Hout” ceremony is performed by gathering around the fire and dancing and stomping, and it is very similar to the Iranian Wednesday. In the flower garland ceremony, people pick native and local flowers and give them to each other to announce the coming of Nowruz and the new year.
Then people gather the flowers they have collected in a special place or tie them to wooden poles and sing along with the flowers. This work is called nightingale ceremony.
Nowruz in Kazakhstan
For Kazakhs, Nowruz is celebrated from March 21 to 23. People of Kazakhstan, before Nowruz comes, Housecleaning and by lighting 2 candles on the door of the house, they ward off evil and misfortune. On the first day Nowruz in Kazakhstan People congratulate each other on Nowruz by wearing new and clean clothes and seeing each other.
The custom of riding horses and hanging bells and dolls around the horses’ necks to make promises Nowruz in Kazakhstan It is also customary. As we said Nowruz in different countries It has different and yet similar customs.
For example, Kazakhs cook Ashi called “Ash Kozhe” on this day. Also, girls who are in love with a boy, prepare food with “horse meat” in Nowruz and take it to their favorite boy. The boys give them gifts in return. According to Kazakhs, if it snows or rains on the first day of Nowruz, it will be a blessed year ahead.
Nowruz in Kyrgyzstan
The first day of April coincides with March 21, the beginning of Nowruz for Kyrgyz. inhabitants Kyrgyzstan with the beginning of Nowruz They gather in the city square and congratulate each other on Eid by seeing and visiting each other.
Setting up local bazaars and selling various goods, holding various ceremonies and cooking various foods Kyrgyz customs for Nowruz Is. On this day, various shows and competitions such as horse riding are also held.
Nowruz in Uzbekistan
Uzbeks celebrate their new year with Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar. But on March 21, Nowruz celebration in Uzbekistan The country is established. On this day, street parties and live shows, dancing and singing, planting trees and planting saplings, making hay and greening the lawn are customary.
Although Uzbeks do not throw Haft Sin table like Iranians, but they stick to baking Semno and greening Sabze.
Nowruz in the Republic of Azerbaijan
For the people of the Republic of Azerbaijan, March 20 to 24 is considered as Nowruz. These people of Turkish origin celebrate Nowruz Eid by moving their houses, buying new clothes, cooking Semno on Nowruz Eid as a sign of blessing and distributing it among the people.
In Azerbaijan, Nowruz Eid starts with Chaharshanbe Suri, and on this day, people boil eggs on the fire and celebrate, dance and stomp by the fire. At the beginning of Eid, Azeris visit the graves of their dead and keep their memory alive.
Nowruz in Iraqi Kurdistan
Iraqis, especially the Kurdistan region of Iraq, celebrate Nowruz enthusiastically every year. The people of Iraqi Kurdistan have many similarities with Iranian Kurds in terms of culture and language, but some of them perform the customs of Nowruz in a lesser way.
Greening the green, especially green sesamedrawing a moving house and cleaning the surroundings, wearing colorful, new and clean clothes, dancing with local clothes, singing local songs and hymns, etc. Iraqi Kurdish customs for Nowruz Is.
Iraqi Kurds usually go to nature on this day and try not to stay at home during Nowruz. Dancing and dancing with other Kurds and rejoicing in Kurdish clothes on this day doubles the mood of Eid.
Nowruz in Georgia
In the northwest of Iran, Georgians have recognized March 21 as the celebration of Nowruz. This Eid is a “national holiday” for them and people celebrate and dance. In Georgia, the Eid holiday is held for 1 week and the custom of fireworks is performed like the customs of Chaharbansuri.
In this ceremony, the people of the city gather around the main square or an important square and make a fire. Then they gather around the fire, sing and dance and dance.
During Nowruz, people visit each other.
Also, on this day, young people ride horses and come to the streets. It is also customary to hold wrestling matches among young people. Another game related to the first day Nowruz in GeorgiaIt is a water game that can be observed between Armenians and Azerbaijanis.
Nowruz in Armenia
Armenians celebrate Nowruz on March 21. Many Armenians go to an area called “Garni” every year on Eid. In this area, there is a 2,000-year-old temple, whose construction is attributed to the Parthian kingdom.
Nowruz as a joint celebration between Iranians and Armenians It is known and promises spring and new life. Of course, the main celebration of Armenians is Easter, but on this day (March 21) the commemoration of Nowruz is also held.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which countries celebrate Nowruz like Iran?
In addition to Iran, Nowruz is celebrated in various other countries such as the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus and parts of the Balkans such as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Albania, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Azerbaijan.
What country is the name of Eid?
The Vietnamese New Year is called Tet. This is the biggest festival of Vietnamese people.
Is the date of Nowruz the same as that of neighboring countries?
Yes. Nowruz is celebrated on the first day of April in our neighboring countries.