Feel the magnificent power of nature in the world’s most magical and spectacular botanical gardens! There are many green spaces in the world that, as spring, has a dreamy face and hosts tourists who want to spend a quiet holiday in the heart of nature. You have many options to see these gardens, from traditional East Asian gardens to aromatic gardens in Europe, each telling a story of human art and creativity with nature. Join us in the world’s famous gardens and get acquainted with these amazing, dreamy and heavenly places.
1- Singapore Botanical Garden / Singapore Botanical Gardens
Singapore Botanical Gardens, with over 5 years old, are the world’s famous gardens that have everything in place; Part of the city’s rainforest, orchid garden, ginger garden and exhibition of ethnic botanics (looking at the roots of plants in traditional culture and medicine), plus a number of old trees and even a pair of swans from Amsterdam, a national flower called Vanda Miss Joaquim and the foggy garden are all attractive to this collection. On the Singapore Tour, be sure to see the Botanical Garden and surf the orchid national garden with more than 2 species and 2 hybrids with a set of flower storage.

1- Brooklyn Garden in New York / Brooklyn Garden From the famous gardens of the world
Those who are looking for a bit of peace in the New York City’s bustle and bustle can spend a few hours in this lush atmosphere. The Brooklyn Botanical Garden has thousands of plant species that are located over 2 hectares. Every year, with the arrival of a population of the Sakura Matsuri festival, more than 5 cherry trees flourish, they come together in the garden. Spots such as the Japanese Hill Garden and Ponds as the first Japanese -inspired garden built in the United States are among the quiet places of the garden. The Shakespeare Garden, which is full of plants such as Primrose and Crocos, is also known as the most beautiful place for the Brooklyn Garden complex.

1- Lloyd Botanical Garden in India / Lloyd’s Botanical Garden
The Lloyd Garden is located in the Indian Darjaling and comes to you about 2 hectares of the world’s famous gardens. Lloyds is a wondrous land among botanicals with large landscapes of lush slopes and golden peaks. Here you will see many rare and beautiful plants as well as pieces of ordinary Cryptomeria, Blandia and Alaneos! The conservative collection here also has 4 species of cactus and saccules that stare at the tourists. On the Indian Tour you can plan to visit the Lloyd Botanical Garden.

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1- National Botanical Garden Kirstenbosch South Africa from the world’s famous gardens
Crystine Bush, located on the eastern side of Mount Tibel (starting point for professional climbers), is one of the most diverse gardens in the world in terms of plant diversity. This vast area contains incredible forms of flora and almost extinct plants cultivated since the early 1980s. You can start walking in the garden along The Boomslang with unique landscapes from different trees. But the important point is that without visiting the garden of beautiful sculptures, including the Nelson Mandela bust and the breathtaking sculptures of Mambo, which is made of agate stone, do not leave the Christian Bush Botanical Outside. On the South African Tour of the Vanak Star Airlines you will have the opportunity to visit this dream collection.

1- Morocco Module Garden / Jardin Majorelele
Locating on a simple street in the north of the city, the symbolic blue, yellow and turquoise colors of the module garden are more popular and among the world’s famous gardens list. The collection was originally a personal garden of French painter Jacques Majorl, which she bought and decorated beautifully in the 1980s, and sixty years later, the fashion designer “Yves Saint Laurent” and his wife took over. In this garden, French Cubism decorates with traditional Moroccan architecture and exhibits a collection of rare cactuses and more than 5 species of birds from North Africa. In addition, you can see a stylish exhibition of YSL’s personal collection of regional textiles and textiles from North Africa along with traditional art.

North Pole-Norway Botanical Garden / Norway Arctic-Alpine Botanical Garden
The North Arctic Botanical Garden is one of the strangest famous gardens in the world that shows nature’s farming against the most adverse weather. Here you can see the brilliant flowers growing from the cliffs or the resistant breeds of the Chilean desert flowers that grow in certain seasons. Garden flowers usually flourish from May to the first snow in October, but since climate change affects Arctic ecology, it is not possible to say exactly how unique plants remain in nature. But overall, we suggest you apply for your visit to June, when the Rhodandon Valley may showcase a surprise color revolution!

1- Montreal Botanical Garden / Montreal Botanical Garden From the famous gardens of the world
The Montreal Botanical Garden is located in the Maisonneuve Grand Park and forms a large part of the Space For Life Museum area. The garden consists of ten greenhouses and 2 gardens that bring together a focal point of plant lovers and specialists in the field. There are also animal -shaped plant sculptures as part of the Montreal Festival “Mozaiculture”.

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2- Rio de Janeiro’s Botanical Garden / Jardim Bottonico
Just in the statue of the Savior of Christ at the foot of Mount Correvado, you will find this beautiful garden as one of the places recorded in the UNESCO heritage. The botanical garden with monkeys, palm trees and more than 5 strange bird species offers a completely unique experience in the heart of the city. While there are many gardens and protected areas in the complex, only 5 % of the plants are cultivated here, and the rest are filled with natural vegetation and organic forests. During a visit to the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden, do not miss out on the garden houses, including hungry carnivorous plants, rare orchids.

Australian Adelaide Botanical Garden / ADAlaide Botanic Garden
A lush space in the busy city! A detailed description of the Adelaide Botanical Garden as one of the world’s most famous gardens. This beautiful collection removes more than 2 hectares of green space. The jewel of the Palm House is a renovated Victorian greenhouse, which was brought from Bremen, Germany in the center of the year. Going into Palm House you will find a set of Madagascus plants, many of which are at risk in their native habitat. Also, do not forget to visit the conservatory in the year 6, which resembles a bird plate and is the largest single -span greenhouse in the southern hemisphere.

1- Garden of Qiu in London / Kew Gardens From the famous gardens of the world
None of the world’s most famous gardens reach the Garden of Qayu in London in terms of beauty and diversity. This garden has the largest and most varied botanical complexes in the world. The London Garden, which opened in year 6, was once the royal family playground. The 5 -acre complex covers a pleasant view and offers a quiet and ideal place among London’s bustle. You can visit attractions such as the big borders, the temperate house, the Qiu palace and the smallest British royal palace in the garden.

Final speech
If you are planning to plan for the spring holidays, the destinations that the world’s famous gardens have are a good option. These destinations are very diverse and include from Asian countries to Europe and even the continent of Africa. Whether you are interested in seeing cherry blossoms or whether you want to walk through different flowers you can choose one of the destinations and enjoy a completely spring holiday.
Frequently asked questions
What is the best time to visit the world’s famous gardens?
The best time is usually from mid -March to late, but overall this time may vary depending on the geographical location and the type of flowers.
Which gardens are more fans in the spring?
The Kyokkenhov Garden in the Netherlands is the best options for the tulips, the Garden of the Conrock in Japan for cherry blossoms, the Versailles Garden in France and the UK gardens.
What should we take when visiting these flower gardens?
Wearing the right clothing for climate change, with an umbrella, a camera for photography, and compliance with environmental rules are essential.
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