The Ubitex press conference was held on the sidelines of Elcamp 1402 exhibition. In this meeting, it was stated that the innovation ecosystem in the country needs space for discourse.
IT man-mentor and founder of the cryptocurrency exchange platform “Ubitex” in a press conference held in Hall 7 of the Alcomp exhibition, emphasizing that today the innovation ecosystem in the country is alarmingly disappointing, said: “If the elites of the country had migrated until yesterday Today, businesses are migrating, and officials should pay more attention to this important matter.
Issa Keshavarz added: The innovation ecosystem in the country needs a space for discussion, and in this regard, we invite the government officials to a dialogue so that the worrisome space ahead can be removed by using the available capacities. Of course, we are not desperate, but we want not to miss opportunities.
The founder of Ubitex promised that fintech, crypto-currency and blockchain platforms in the coming years, just as Snap, Tapsi and Digikala participated as start-ups in the Elcomp exhibition and have now become a large economy, they will one day be market leaders and the market They will take over the country’s technology.
He stated that the only way to exit and save the banking, monetary and credit institutions in the country is to use the hidden capacity in the blockchain field, he said: “Right now, part of the government recognizes the value and importance of this field and recognizes it; But on the opposite side, another institution takes a stand. Unfortunately, when we define blockchain and cryptocurrency for a part of governance, they take a position and feel that we are cursing; If the taxi organization would one day accept the importance of SNAP instead of getting stuck in the traditional process, now it would not only be in a conflict of interest, but it would be one of its most important shareholders.
Keshavarz added: Despite the prevailing conditions in the country, the private sector does not have the courage to invest, and it is not appropriate to exclude everyone from the country’s economic circle and leave the work to groups that lack the necessary knowledge and the necessary conditions for living. They do not have it in a world full of complexity.
He also stated that the discussion of the innovation ecosystem in the country must go through four stages for progress, and said: The first stage is the application of technology, in this sector the space for complete infrastructure is not yet ready and we do not have the necessary standards. The second stage is technology management, unfortunately, there is still no organization in this sector that can explain this field. The third stage is the issue of technology production and innovation. In fact, the financial support that makes the manufacturer dare to take risks is very weak, and in the end, it is the prediction of technology that we still have a long way to go in this sector.
He clarified: Associations and non-governmental organizations should conduct self-monitoring and self-correction in this field in a stronger and centralized manner, and the government should neither accept responsibility nor interfere.
In another part of this press conference, which was held at the Ubitex booth in Hall 7 of the 26th Alcamp exhibition, Mohammad Yaqoubi, the founder of Ubitex, explained how this cryptocurrency platform was formed and said: “According to the sanctions and internal conditions of the country, we were able to create a platform To provide customers with suitable solutions that meet their needs.
He added: One of the challenges of Ubitex was dealing with users who had no knowledge of crypto. Therefore, we have provided free training courses for our customers so that they do not get involved in fraud. He added: Ubitex was created with the consensus of economic experts and people with opinions and trust building on a global level and has the ability to trade more than 150 cryptocurrencies.