The Wall Street Journal has reported that according to available data, the number of users of Trades Meta crossed the 100 million mark in the first five days, and this issue probably caused a decrease in Twitter traffic.
This news comes as Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince released a chart showing that since January, Twitter traffic has been declining compared to other platforms.
Also, the web analysis company SimilarWeb has reported that during the first two days of Trades launch, Twitter traffic has decreased by 5% compared to the same two days in the previous week, and has decreased by 11% compared to the same period last year.
As Threads users grow, Twitter CEOs Elon Musk and Linda Yacarino have shared a new metric for user engagement that’s a little more encouraging than the traffic reports above.
Musk wrote on his page that the total number of seconds used by Twitter users from the phone screen has hit a record according to iOS and Android reports.
Although many Twitter users debate the meaning of Twitter’s new metric — the T(w)itter Daily account has explained why the previous metric tracking Twitter’s monthly daily active users (mDAU) has been dropped.
T(w)itter Daily said the old mDAU metric included bots and users who received Twitter notifications on their phones but may not have opened the app.
According to T(w)itter Daily, this problem does not exist in the new measure, and on the other hand, in the new measure, contrary to some claims, it is possible to track how long Twitter users use this application on iOS and Android.
Of course, Musk responded to T(w)itter Daily’s note and said that people could still manipulate the new standard through multiple phones, but it would be 100 times more expensive than robots.
According to CNN, Threads is growing rapidly, and both SimilarWeb and Cloudflare told CNN that the downward trend in Twitter traffic appears to have accelerated since the launch of Threads. That’s why Musk and Iaccarino’s tweets about the new metric appear to be an attempt to reassure advertisers of increased user engagement with Twitter.
Source: Arstechnica