In their recent studies, researchers found that some mental illnesses such as depression and schizophrenia are able to change the size of the brain in some areas.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, researchers from Monash University in Australia found in their recent study that the volume of some areas of the brain changes due to some mental illnesses. They hope that if these changes are identified, they can provide more effective treatments for these diseases. The new studies of these researchers show that a person’s feelings as well as his mood change due to psychological conditions. Also, the volume and size of the brain will also change during this period.
About 1,300 people voluntarily participated in the study. The researchers took images of their brains and examined the effect of different mental illnesses on the volume and size of brain regions.
Finally, in this study, it was found that parts of the brain undergo changes in the course of mental illnesses, and by examining these areas, effective treatments can also be prescribed for that illness. Ashley Segal, the senior researcher in this study, says that in this research, we found that parts of the brain change due to mental illnesses. If we can identify and examine these areas, we can consider more effective treatments for mental illnesses in the future.
The people participating in this research had at least one of the diseases such as depression, disorders such as attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or bipolar disorder. Comparing the brains of people with disease and healthy people in the same age group showed that the size of the brain is different in some areas for sick and healthy people.