NASA successfully recycles 98% of astronauts’ sweat and urine in the space station, and this issue can be used as a great achievement in future space missions.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, NASA’s efforts in reaching an important milestone in future space missions are very important. This agency announced that now in the space station, with the help of the environmental control and life support system, it can recycle 98% of the moisture produced by the astronauts’ bodies.
According to a report published by Engjet, one of the important parts of the environmental control system in this station is the use of advanced dehumidifiers that can collect moisture from the astronauts’ bodies. The urine processor set in this system can also recycle urine using vacuum distillation. In this process, water and salt water will be separated along with recyclable H2O.
Now, a new device has been used by NASA, which extracts the rest of the remaining water in the salt water of the urine, and thus 98% of the sweat and urine of the body is recycled. This is while the recycling rate was 93-94% before.
According to Jill Williamson of the water subsystems in NASA, the water purification system is the same as the underground water systems, and the only difference is that this operation is performed in the microgravity environment. In this process, astronauts do not drink urine and the water that is obtained is filtered and purified and is cleaner than water that can be worn on earth.