The field of science and university today saw the various news that this report briefly addressed.
According to RCO News Agency, Some of today’s news of the scientific and academic service is briefly presented in this report. To read the full version of the news, simply click on its blue headline.
Iran is making significant progress since the victory of the revolution in the field
A member of the Scientific Association of Isfahan University of Technology, referring to Iran’s scientific advances in the past four decades, said: Articular rheumatism is a painful disease whose current treatments are mainly used to reduce symptoms; But using stem cells can help improve the disease.
MIA University Initiative to Increase Robotics Systems Safety
The new method of the University of MIA can improve the safety of robotic systems, including drones, warehouse robots and cars.
A narrative of the progress and challenges of the space industry’s ninth country of space cycle
Since the years following the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian Space Research Institute has continued to take long steps as the heart of the country’s space industry, in the direction of native technologies and the launch of national satellites.
At what stage is the development of the first European landing month?
The first European Lunar Lunner (Argonaut) is being prepared by the European Space Agency (ESA) to send cargo and scientific tools to the moon.
Iranian native satellite are unveiled today
On this occasion, three Iranian and native satellites will be unveiled on the occasion of the National Space Technology Day.
The Registration Deadline for Applicants at Universities is Tomorrow
The registration deadline for recruiting faculty members of universities and higher education institutes tomorrow ends February 5th.
A comic without head!
NASA’s Day Photo is a collection of “Atlantic comet” photos that showcase its head shine over consecutive days.
Samsung Mobile Folding Mobile with 4 Pages?
A few months ago, a user named YEUX 1122 shared information on a South Korean social media page, and for the first time there were rumors about the Samsung three -screen mobile phone, a rival to the Huawei Mate XT. Now this user has also revealed the name of this new product.
Improvement of the scientific position of the country after the Islamic Revolution of Iran
In terms of science production, the Islamic Republic of Iran was ranked No. 2 among other countries in the first year of the victory of the Islamic Revolution (1), and in the last 5 years, it has risen from 2 in year 2 to 2 in year 2.
Observing environmental capacity, the secret of sustainable tourism in nature
In a world that pressure the speed of urban life of humans, the presence in nature has become one of the main ways to reduce stress and enhance morale; But can the natural beauty be enjoyed without damage to the environment?
Discovery of the relationship between an oral bacterium and the risk of stroke
Japanese researchers have revealed the relationship between an oral bacterium and an increased risk of stroke.
Reduce International Student Visa in Canada
Canada significantly reduced its international study visa in the academic year.
Getting help from the robotic arm with a brain chip “Nurralink”
While users who are planted by neuralink in their brain can, for example, control a robotic arm, it is said to have the need for wires or any physical movement and to people with people with people with people with people with people with. Body paralysis allows them to use tools using their minds.
Tomorrow, the deadline for registering for the Department of Medical Sciences
The time of enrollment in the Masters of Medical Sciences Department of Medical Sciences, universities, will end tomorrow, February 5th.
Implementation of 4 programs by the Ministry of Communications for the development of the country’s space industry
The Minister of Communications and Information Technology, referring to the ministry’s homework for the development of the space industry in the seventh development plan, is on the agenda of implementing high -circuit access plans, completing the Chabahar Space Base, establishing four satellite stations in Salmas and Chenaran Martyr Soleimani’s poem announced in the ministry.
Development of Space Infrastructure on the Space Agency’s agenda
The head of the Iranian Space Agency announced the development of important infrastructure of the space industry and said: “The program is on the agenda of the organization, during which the development of the Chabahar Space Base and Space Laboratory will currently be completed. Is.
Forecast of severe solar storms with artificial intelligence
Researchers say artificial intelligence can predict terrible solar storms before they occur and save human life.
Calculate your bowel health with calculator!
Julie Kopczyńska, a microbiologist who directs bacteria, has studied research on intestinal microbiomes and created a bowel health calculator that is easy to use. He says this is a good way to maintain health and health.
Tomorrow academics renew their covenant with Imam Rahel’s aspirations
Tomorrow’s academics community, February 7, renewed the covenant with Imam Khomeini’s aspirations in the holy shrine of Imam Rahel.
“Startup Mondays” event in the field of computer games
With the support of the Innovation and Fouring Fund, the 54th Startup Monday event will be held in the field of computer games on February 7th.
This computer network reveals cancer
Scientists have created a computer network to identify important gene regulators that control cellular differentiation and can be targeted to help reverse cancer.
Registration deadline was extended in second semester dormitories
Students of Shahid Beheshti University of Shahid Beheshti University can apply for a request in the Golestan system tomorrow if they apply for accommodation in dormitories.
The sound of viruses is 5 million times higher than the human hearing range!
After experimenting with several viruses, scientists found that each of them vibrates in its unique ways.
Extension of registration deadline for Fintech Startup Mondays
The call for registration at the Startup Monday event was extended to the Fintech Ideas and Startups (Fintech) until February 5.
The end of the message
(tagstotranslate) ISNA Scientific and Academic News package