, Science and Technology Group – Saadane Tabatabainia: Yesterday, the list of Highly Cited Researchers in 2024 by the InstituteClarivitIt was published. This list, which is published annually since 2014, introduces the world’s most influential researchers who have shown significant and wide impact in various fields of science and social sciences.
Using rigorous selection criteria and comprehensive analysis, the list recognizes researchers whose exceptional, community-oriented contributions are shaping the future of science, technology, innovation, and academia globally.
In the latest list of highly cited researchers, there are 6,886 people in various scientific fields. In the table below, the number of highly cited researchers is listed based on their research field. Some researchers whose articles were in more than one research field are categorized under the title of “interdisciplinary” field.
Concentration of more than 85% of talents in 10 countries
Most cited researchers this year from 59 countries and regions and from more than 1200 Institute are However, 85.4% of these researchers are concentrated in only 10 countries and 74.4% of them are in only 5 countries.
The United States of America still has the highest number of highly cited researchers in the world, and in 2024 their number will be 2,507. This number is equivalent to 36.4% of all the most cited researchers in the world.
Reducing the number of highly cited researchers in America; Increase in China
However, the trend of the US share of highly cited researchers in 2024 has been decreasing. America is 1.1% of the share of researchers highly cited has lost this year and compared to 2018, it has seen a 6.9% decrease in the share of highly cited researchers.
With 1,409 highly cited researchers, China has maintained its second place in the list of highly cited researchers this year. 20.4% of the world’s most cited researchers are from China, which has increased significantly (16.2%) compared to 2023. Since 2018, China’s share of highly cited researchers has more than doubled. In 2018, only 7.9% of highly cited researchers were from China.
England with 563 researchers (8.2%) is again in the third place, followed by Germany with 332, Australia with 313, Canada 206, Netherlands 185, Hong Kong 134, France 126 and Singapore with 108 highly cited researchers from 10 countries. are first in this list. Last year, Italy was among the first 10 countries, but this year Hong Kong has replaced it in this list.
In the 2024 ranking among institutions with the most cited researchers, 50 institutions (including Universitiesgovernment centers or other research organizations) have more than 26 highly cited researchers. The “Chinese Academy of Sciences” is at the top of the list with 308 highly cited researchers, and Harvard is the leader among universities, as in previous years, with 231 highly cited researchers.
The table below shows the top institutions in the world in terms of the number of highly cited researchers.
The continuation of the decreasing trend in the number of highly cited researchers in Iran
There are only 3 researchers from Iran in the list of most cited researchers in 2024. Farhad Eslami and Mohammad Ali Mansournia 3 Iranian researchers from Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Ali Mursali from Tarbiat Modares University are among the most cited researchers.
Examining the number of highly cited researchers in Iran in different years shows that the number of these researchers in Iran has been decreasing in recent years and this decrease has continued in 2024.
In 1400, Iran had the highest number of highly cited researchers, and in the last three years, this amount has decreased by more than 80%. This is the lowest number of highly cited researchers in Iran since the beginning of the announcement of the list of highly cited researchers (2014).
The statistics of the most cited researchers in 2024 in Saudi Arabia and Türkiye, which are Iran’s competitors in the region, are 49 and 2, respectively.
Margins of the number of highly cited researchers in Saudi Arabia
There are many sidelines about highly cited researchers in Saudi Arabia. In the list of researchers highly citedBetween the years 2014 and 2022, the number of people whose main organizational affiliation was Saudi Arabia increased from 29 to 109 people, but since last year, the trend of these researchers in Saudi Arabia has also decreased. In 2023 researchers Referenced who had the main organizational affiliation of Saudi Arabia, 76 people and this year these people have decreased to 28 people.
Saudi Arabia has sought to attract the best researchers in the world for more than a decade. This country invites top researchers to work in the institutions of this country and hold courses in these institutions, study opportunities let themto teach as visiting professors, and in return, Saudi Arabia provides financial and laboratory facilities for them.
It is also said that Saudi Arabia offers very high sums to hire these researchers. For example, Science magazine revealed in December 2011 that Saudi Arabia’s King Abdulaziz University offered $76,000 with the condition that researchers spend only one week a year at the university and add the university’s name as their second institutional affiliation. . These measures will help Saudi Arabia to improve its university ranking, such as the Shanghai ranking.
Last year, the magazine “Science” wrote about the decrease in the number of highly cited researchers in Saudi Arabia: it seems that this decrease is the result of increasing concerns of universities and research institutions in Europe and other countries about scientists who use their organizational affiliation in exchange for payment or consulting obligations. Partially, they change to Saudi Arabia. (Such practices are often not tightly controlled by universities.) It also appears that scrutiny by the publication analysis firm “Clarivit“, which prepares the list of highly cited researchers or HCR, also plays a role in reducing the number of highly cited researchers in Saudi Arabia.
A dramatic decrease in the number of highly cited researchers in Saudi Arabia
After years of continuous increase in the number of highly cited researchers in Saudi Arabia, this year their number has decreased by 30% compared to last year.
These changes to some extent It is the result of scientific institutions’ pressure on researchers to correct their organizational affiliations. For example; Spain‘s National Council for Scientific Research has initiated disciplinary actions this month against five of its researchers for manipulating their institutional affiliations.
From the last year of the institute Clarivit which publishes the list of most cited researchers, announced that the most cited researchers in a period Fellowship or have participated in a research scholarship and despite the fact that he has a permanent job position in another institution, they have decided the name of the institution from which Fellowship Listed as their first organizational affiliation, it removes them from the list.
Efforts to increase trust in research
In addition, this institute has set criteria for selecting highly cited researchers in order to maintain the integrity and accuracy of research.
This institution excludes highly cited articles that have more than 30 authors or a specific group of authors. Also, articles that discredit (Retract) are also evaluated in consideration are taken
Clarivit It has announced that it applies more layers to the assessment every year. This year, the institute has excluded articles from people who had too many, or too many self-citations or group citations (abnormal citation patterns).
As a result of these reforms, many candidates who did not meet the strict criteria of this evaluation were excluded from the final list. This year, due to the implementation of these reforms, about 2 thousand candidates were removed from the final list of highly cited researchers. In 2022 and 2023, this number was 500 and 1000 candidates, respectively.
How are highly cited researchers identified?
To identify researchers highly citedArticles Referenced that last decade (years 2013 to 2023) in “Web Av Science” (Citation Indexes of Sciences and Social Sciences) have been published, are reviewed. to articles highly cited They are said to be the most cited in their scientific fields and are in the top one percent of the “Essential Science Index” (ESI) database.
Researchers who article highly cited have, influential researchers are considered and those whose names are repeated more frequently are more influential.
Accordingly; Researchers in terms of the number of articles their references ranked and after applying the criteria of this publishing house, those who are in the first one percent, as researchers highly cited are introduced.