In an innovative study, researchers have introduced a new tool called “CheekAge” that significantly increases the ability to predict mortality risk by analyzing methylation patterns in cheek cells. Using epigenetic data, this innovative tool provides a more detailed picture of people’s biological aging process.
According to the scientific news department of Tekna Technology Media, epigenetic markers are chemical changes in DNA that affect the way genes are expressed without changing the genetic sequence. One of these changes is called DNA methylation, which is closely related to aging. By examining methylation patterns in the genome, scientists have been able to develop “aging clocks” that estimate people’s biological age more accurately than chronological age.
In this study, researchers using data collected from a large group of people, showed that “ChickEdge” is able to predict the risk of death of people with high accuracy. Even compared to previous aging watches that were designed based on blood data, “Chick Age” performed better.
The results of this research indicate that epigenetic changes in cheek cells provide valuable information about people’s health status and lifespan. In other words, by examining these changes, we can get signs of diseases related to aging and the risk of premature death.
Examining the data more closely, researchers have identified specific genes that are associated with methylation changes associated with an increased risk of mortality. These genes may be involved in various biological processes, including cellular aging, inflammation, and cancer. This tool can help doctors to better assess people’s risk of age-related diseases and provide more appropriate treatment interventions. By studying epigenetic changes over time, a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms of aging can be achieved. Identifying genes related to aging and related diseases can help to develop new and effective drugs to increase lifespan and improve quality of life.
The development of the “Chick Age” tool is an important step towards personalizing health care and increasing healthy life expectancy. By using this tool, we can hope for more effective prevention and treatment of aging-related diseases. To see the latest news, refer to the scientific news page of Tekna Media.