German scientists proposed a new solution to better hunt dark matter and its fundamental particles.
According to Tekna technology and technology news service, a group of international physicists in their new research with the aim of better revealing dark matter unveiled a new technology called BabyIAXO, which can be considered a promising option for detecting dark matter.
In general, the detection of dark matter was determined through astronomical observations, and the observed amount of ordinary matter was not enough to explain the path of stars and galaxies in our universe.
Although there is 5 times the amount of dark matter in the universe compared to normal matter, the fundamental particles that make it up have not yet been identified by physicists, and for this reason, strange and different options have been considered regarding these particles.
One of these interesting and active particles are axions. Currently, there are many detectors for detection of axion around the world, one of them is ADMX and HAYSTAC in America and another one is CAST in Switzerland, none of them have recorded positive results so far.
Therefore, the current physicists are going to use a new detector at the International Axion Observatory with greater sensitivity in order to advance the better search for axions. Physicists expect to use highly sophisticated and expensive new technology to detect axons. A simplified version of this technology, called BabyIAXO, is a large-scale probe designed to search for axons originating from the Sun and is currently under development. This technology is supposed to be installed and used in the particle physics research center in Hamburg. In this helioscope, there is a magnet with two holes measuring 10 meters and 70 cm in diameter, which with a homogeneous and very strong magnetic field can increase the sensitivity of the experiment compared to the experiments. increase sharply. Using this experimental helioscope, physicists can detect an axion with a mass in the range of one electron volt.