The cause of puffiness under the eyesIt is an eye disease that causes the skin around and under the eyes to look swollen or puffy. Puffiness under the eyes can be caused by many factorsbut Usually puffy eyes are due to the accumulation of fluid in the skin under the eyes, which causes this area to look swollen and puffy..
types of methods for treating puffiness under the eyes; Puffiness under the eyes can be treated in various ways, such as improving the quality of sleep, using cold compresses, using local drugs, or performing cosmetic surgery.
In this part of the series of health education materials of Fashion Time (, we discussed the cause of puffiness under the eyes and the methods of treating puffiness under the eyes.
What is puffiness under the eyes?
Medically, puffy eyes is an eye and skin disease that causes the skin around the eyes to appear swollen. Puffy eyes can have symptoms such as redness, itching, swelling, and bags under the eyes that are loose and droopy. Another remedy for puffiness under the eyes is periophthalmitis, which refers to swelling around the eyes.
Puffiness under the eyes can be accompanied by dark circles or bags under the eyes and sagging or loose skin. Swelling under the eyes usually goes away without treatment, but if it doesn’t go away on its own, see a specialist to get treatment.
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What is the cause of puffiness under the eyes?
The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. Aging and genetics can weaken the tissues around the eyes. This causes fat to move under the eyes and make them look puffy.
Here are 10 reasons for swelling under the eyes and what you should do to prevent and treat them.

Eating too much salt causes puffiness under the eyes
According to healthline, consuming too much salt or sodium is not good for the body. Excess sodium causes water retention and this excess water causes puffiness under the eyes, face and body. This leads to swelling or the appearance of bags under the eyes.
The thin skin around the eyes is more prone to puffiness. To help relieve puffiness under the eyes, reduce the amount of salt in your daily diet. To help eliminate sodium, drink plenty of water and eat potassium-rich foods such as bananas, yogurt, potatoes, and dried apricots.
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Crying causes swelling under the eyes
Crying causes fluid to accumulate around the eyes, causing puffiness under the eyes for a short period of time. This swelling, which occurs several times due to crying, is likely to resolve on its own.
Lack of sleep causes puffiness under the eyes
Specialist doctors believe that not having enough sleep causes swelling under the eyes, drooping eyelids, red eyes, dark circles under the eyes, pale skin and drooping of the mouth. Lack of sleep weakens the muscles around the eyes and also leads to the loss of collagen under the eyes. This causes fluid to accumulate in the area under your eyes and make your eyes swell.
It takes from a few hours to 24 hours to remove swelling under the eyes due to lack of sleep. If you regularly sleep poorly, some symptoms may become permanent. Most adults need seven to nine hours of sleep.
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Allergy is one of the causes of puffy eyes
Allergies can lead to fluid accumulation in the sinuses and around the eyes. An allergic reaction causes red, itchy, and watery eyes. Common eye allergies include pollen, dust, perfume, dander, animal fur, smoke, chemicals and pollution.
Allergies are one of the main causes of puffiness under the eyes. A protective cell in the eye, called a mast cell, secretes immune proteins called histamine to fight allergens. The eyes shed tears to wash the pollen or size allergens and lead to eye allergy. Eye allergies are easily treatable. Avoid allergens to help prevent them. Using artificial tear drops to wash the eyes and wash the nose is effective for treatment.

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Smoking causes puffiness under the eyes
Smoking cigarettes and hookah irritates the eyes. Even if people around you are smokers, you may experience allergic reactions and swelling under the eyes. Quit smoking to prevent puffiness under the eyes. If you are sensitive to residual smoke particles, clean your surfaces, furniture and car regularly.
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Infection is one of the most important causes of puffy eyes
An eye infection causes swelling under the eyes. Infection and swelling usually occurs in one eye first and quickly spreads to the other eye. Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes. An eye infection usually clears up within a week.
Types of eye infections that can cause eye swelling include:
- pink eyeis known as conjunctivitis and may be caused by bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and other irritants. Pink eye can happen at any age.
- eyelash flower It is an infection in the eyelash follicle or lacrimal gland that leads to swelling of the eye. This infection starts as a small bump along the eyelash line and leads to redness, swelling and pus in the eye and eyelid.
- Chalazion or raised eyelid It looks like a pimple that is caused by blocking the sebaceous gland. A chalazion looks like a small bump on the eyelid that can cause swelling of the eye if it becomes infected.
- Cellulite around the eyesusually spread from the sinuses and cause eye swelling.
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Blockage of the tear duct is the cause of swelling under the eyes
The tear ducts drain the natural water and tears of the eye. If these ducts are blocked, fluid collects around the eye and leads to swelling under the eye.
Blocked tear ducts are common in infants, but they also occur in adults and children. This blockage can happen due to infection, makeup or damage to the eye.
In general, warm compresses and washing the eyes with sterile saline help to remove the blockage, but in more serious cases, see a specialist doctor. Signs and symptoms of tear duct blockage include blurred vision, pus or mucus, pain, swelling, redness, eye infection and inflammation, watery eyes, and pain.
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Injury causes puffiness under the eyes
A small scratch or cut around the eye can cause swelling under the eye. A blow caused by a fist or an object causes the eye to move slightly downward and return to its place. This incident caused blood to enter the area around the eyes. This blood and fluid causes swelling or bruising under the eyes.
Graves’ disease causes swelling under the eyes
Graves’ disease is also called thyroid eye disease and it happens when the thyroid gland does not balance thyroid hormones. About 30% of people with this disease will have eye symptoms such as bumps and swelling under the eyes. Graves’ disease causes changes in the tissue around the eye.
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Mononucleosis causes puffiness under the eyes
Eye changes, vision and swelling under the eyes may be symptoms Mononucleosis be This infection, sometimes called the kissing disease, can also be transmitted through sneezing and coughing. Its eye symptoms include redness, pain and swelling.
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Aging causes swelling under the eyes
Many experts believe that aging is the most common cause of puffiness under the eyes. Elderly people have lax skin due to aging, so the skin tends to sag or wrinkle. Because of this, the muscles and tissues around the eyes are weakened and allow the fat around the eyes to protrude and create a puffy appearance.
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Home remedies for puffiness under the eyes
In the continuation of this series of eye health and beauty articles, we have brought a variety of home treatment methods for swelling under the eyes.
- Apply around the eyes with a clean and damp tissue or put a spoon in the refrigerator and use the back of the spoon to massage around the eyes.
- A tea bag containing caffeine helps draw water from the under-eye area and reduce swelling. Soak two tea bags in cold water; Place them on the closed eyes and lie down for 15 to 20 minutes.
- With your fingers or a cold metal roller, massage your face, around the eyes and sinuses to remove excess fluid and reduce swelling under the eyes.

- Get enough sleep. A good night’s sleep on a regular basis helps reduce eye puffiness.
- Puffy eyes can be a result of dehydration, so drink plenty of water every day and avoid alcohol, which causes dehydration and puffy eyes.
- Potassium helps to reduce excess fluids in the body, so increase the intake of potassium in your diet.
- Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, which is why many cosmetic companies produce caffeine-containing eye creams to reduce puffiness under the eyes. Use these types of creams to treat swelling under the eyes.
- Use an under-eye patch or eye mask to reduce swelling.
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Various medical methods to treat puffiness under the eyes
If the home methods for treating puffiness under the eyes do not work, you can go to a specialist doctor for treatment through medical methods that include surgical and non-surgical options. In the following, we have brought various medical methods to treat swelling under the eyes.

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Filler and treatment of puffiness under the eyes
According to Hopkinsmedicine, an injection or filler is a filler treatment in which a jelly-like substance is placed where the undereye area and cheek meet to create a smooth transition. Filler is performed in the doctor’s office under local anesthesia. The result of filler lasts 6 to 12 months and is one of the best methods of treating swelling under the eyes.
Laser peeling for the treatment of puffiness under the eyes
In the exfoliation method, a laser is used to remove the surface layers of wrinkled skin in the area under the eyes. This action stimulates the growth of new collagen and tightens the skin. Depending on the type of skin and the amount of exposure to sunlight, the treatment can last for years.
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Treatment of puffiness under the eyes with chemical peeling
Chemical peels treat wrinkles under the eyes by removing the top layers of the skin. The expert doctor dissolves the old skin cells using a chemical solution to make the skin brighter and firmer and finally removes the puffiness under the eyes. Depending on the type of skin, the result of the treatment lasts for several years.