Dublin Law in English: Dublin Regulation It means that the asylum seeker must apply for asylum in the first safe country he enters and does not have the right to choose another country. Actually Dublin Law It says that a person who has fingerprints in a European country will be sent back to the first country where he has fingerprints if he has applied for asylum in several other countries at the same time.
When requested asylum fingerprints of you and each family member over 14 years of age will be taken and registered in the central database of Europe or EURODAC.
about Family reunification based on Dublin 3 regulations : Click on the following link which is the official immigration and asylum website:
Read more: How to make an asylum case
What is Dublin Law?
Dublin Law It is a law to filter refugees by Europeans, which was imposed in 1997 with the expansion of the new wave of refugees and asylum requests to the countries of this continent.
According to the Dublin Convention, the refugee in the first European country that entered will be responsible for handling his case.
Due to the fact that the forced return of a refugee to the country of origin is considered by many organizations related to asylum seekers to be inhumane and cruel, the Dublin Law was changed twice (Dublin Law 2 and Dublin Law 3), but still These changes did not benefit the refugees.
Because the entry of each refugee into a European country has a lot of financial and cultural costs, as a result, the Europeans want to prevent people from entering their countries as refugees as much as possible and only allow real asylum seekers.
As a result of these requests, the Dublin Act was enacted, in which the refugee’s humanitarian conditions are not a priority. For example, if an asylum seeker enters Cyprus and his goal is to immigrate to Greece, if after reviewing his application, Italy is recognized as responsible for handling his situation, this person cannot make any attempt to seek asylum in Greece, because the effect His first finger has been diagnosed in Italy.
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What does Dublin mean?
Dublin or Dublin means Black Pond is. Dublin is the name of the capital and the most populous city of Ireland and it is taken from the Irish language with the pronunciation of Dubh Linn. Of course, this city is known in the modern Irish language as Baile Átha Cliath in Irish: Baile Átha Cliath, which means the city of the crossing dam, and it is because of the presence of a river full of water in the city.
The city of Dublin, which is located on the banks of the Liffey River, has more than one million people and was introduced as the capital of Ireland since 1922.
Read more: The best case, excuse and reason for asylum
New Dublin Rules 2 and 3
Dublin Law which came into effect on September 1, 1997, was completed and updated on 03/01/2003, which came into force under the title of Dublin II Law.
On 01/01/2014, a new law with changes and additions replaced Dublin II, which was called Dublin III.
The reason for these changes and the establishment of new laws was: human rights challenges and issues, the poor condition of refugee camps and the accommodation of refugees, as well as the issue of returning refugees to their original country.
In the Dublin 3 Law, more efforts have been made to respect human rights issues for children and sick and vulnerable people, and to consider the non-separation of family members.
But again, according to human rights defenders, the Dublin 3 law is inhumane and refugees are kept in camps with minimal facilities that do not have any human rights.
For example, Moria camp is one of the refugee camps in Greece, which according to Human Rights Watch is an open-air prison.
What are the Dublin 3 regulations?
The “Dublin III” regulations determine which member state is responsible for examining your application for international protection.
When you submit an application for international sponsorship, you and your family members over the age of 14 will be fingerprinted. Fingerprints are entered into EURODAC, the Central European Automated Fingerprint Identification System.
What countries does the Dublin law include?
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland are members of the Dublin Treaty and are called Dublin countries.
In January 2011, two countries, Greece and Belgium, were temporarily excluded from this treaty due to human rights violations by the decision of the European Union Human Rights Commission.
Is it possible to escape the Dublin law and bypass it?

If the refugee has the following special conditions, the Dublin law will not be considered for him:
- The asylum applicant is an orphan under the age of 18.
- The spouse of the asylum seeker must reside in one of the European countries.
- The applicant has a serious illness that does not allow him to return to the country he came from.
- If the time to receive the answer and check the country responsible for his asylum takes longer than the specified time.
notice that Circumvention of the Dublin Act And escaping from it does not mean agreeing to your asylum. Rather, it means passing through one of its stages. In fact, if the asylum seeker is not included in the Dublin law with these special conditions, his asylum request will enter the post-Dublin process.
Will the Dublin Act be repealed?
After a long conflict and the Moriah camp fire in 2019 and questioning the Dublin law, the decision to cancel this law was raised more seriously, and the plan of the mandatory solidarity mechanism by the European Union is considered to replace this law.

According to this plan, member states will receive 10,000 euros for each asylum seeker and 12,000 euros for each child to accommodate them in their country.
Since 2015, the two countries Greece and Italy, due to having blue borders, faced more refugees entering their country than other countries, and they protested to the countries of Northern Europe why they play a lesser role in accepting refugees, and the European Union concluded that The Dublin law only complicates the asylum application process and causes more confusion.
As a result, they proposed a mandatory solidarity mechanism plan, which is still unclear whether it will be approved or not.
Final speech of Migraha magazine
What is clear is that the asylum seeker is a burden and an additional cost for every European and non-European country, and all the laws that are enacted to reduce these costs will benefit the destination countries with the least amount of attention to the situation. Asylum seeker!
Therefore, those who want to immigrate through asylum should know that these laws with the names of Dublin or forced solidarity mechanism or any other name will not help their situation.
Today, according to the various immigration methods, every person with any condition can use the correct and principled ways, such as Scholarships or investment Migrate to your target country.
Asylum is the last option and it has always been the most wrong and difficult way to migrate.
Frequently asked questions about Dublin Law
The entire Dublin process cannot take more than 11 months to take charge of a person or nine months to return them.
Yes, Greece is one of the Dublin countries.