In this article we want to get to know The Netherlands and introduce the cities of this country, its geographical location, etc., to provide you with useful and good information. The country of the Netherlands is also known as the Netherlands, which consists of the territories of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The Netherlands
The population density of this country is more than 17 million people. Most of the people of this country follow Protestant Christianity. This country is connected with other countries in various ways, for example, it is connected with Germany from the east, Belgium from the south, and Great Britain from the west.
The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. They gave this country a series of nicknames, the most famous of which is the land of windmills and the country of tulips. The currency and currency of this country is Euro. In the following, we will discuss more complete and useful information about this country.
Read more: Methods of immigration to the Netherlands
The name of the country of the Netherlands or Nederlands Netherlands
The name of this country is Holland and it is also known as Nederland. The meaning of Nederland is lowland, which is related to the geographical location of the Netherlands. The reason for giving this name to this country is that most of the land in the Netherlands is at a height of less than 1 meter from the sea. It is interesting to know that the name Holland is for Persian speakers and Holland is the name of one of the parts of this country.
Population density of the Netherlands

According to the obtained statistics, the population of this country is more than 17 million people. It is interesting to know that the Netherlands contains approximately 0.22% of the world’s population. It is the 69th country in terms of population.
About 93% of the people of this country are urban dwellers and most of the people of this country are young. It is interesting to know that, as we said above, most of the land in the Netherlands is 1 meter below sea level, which is where most of the people live.
Government and political structure of the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a republic with a constitutional monarchy, and the kingdom of this land dates back to Prince William in the 16th century. The Dutch parliament, called the States General, has two lower and upper houses. The Lower House has 150 members and they are elected every four years by the people of the country. The Upper House has 15 members and they are elected by local councils for four-year terms.
The main official of this country is the Prime Minister who determines the country’s government. It is interesting to know that the selection of the most important position and rank of the government of this country is based on the opinion and vote of the people. There are different parties in this country, including: Christian Democrats, Green Party, Liberal Party, etc.
The Netherlands is a member of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. They have also established a cooperation union called Benelux with two countries, Luxembourg and Belgium, and according to the constitution, the monarchy is at the center of the country’s three powers.
Provinces and cities of the Netherlands

The Netherlands is made up of a number of provinces, each of which consists of several cities. Some important provinces of this country are: South Holland, North Holland, Utrecht, Groningen, Utrecht. The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam, which is the best city in the Netherlands to live in.
Important cities of the Netherlands
- Amsterdam
- Utrecht
- Rotterdam
- layer
- Tilburg
- Eindhoven
Dutch economy

The Netherlands is one of the advanced and developed countries in the field of economy in the European continent, and the Dutch economy is still progressing and growing. Most of the world’s flowers are exported from this country, so the Netherlands is one of the largest exporters of flowers in the world. As we said above, this country is also known as Tulip because of its flower export.
They are also active in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry, machinery, chemicals, etc. Also, they have a huge sector in the field of banking and trade, and the countries of the European Union are the partners of the Netherlands in the field of trade.
Of course, it should be noted that this country also produces dairy products, wheat, potatoes, etc. It is interesting to know that the unemployment rate in this country is almost 2%, so the Netherlands is one of the most powerful countries in terms of economy.
Geographical location and climate of the Netherlands
The Netherlands is a country in northwestern Europe, and part of it is the North Sea. This country is artificially created, half of which is at or below sea level. About half of the country’s area is covered by the sea, and about a quarter of the country’s total area is under the sea level. This land has coastal lowlands, agricultural lands, sand hills and sandy beaches.
The Netherlands is a low-lying country, half of the country is 1 meter below sea level. The area of the Netherlands is 850.41 square kilometers. It is bordered by Germany from the east and Belgium from the south, and is connected to Great Britain and the North Sea from the west. There are high hills in the southeast of the country, and a significant part of this country is flat.
The weather of the Netherlands
The climate of the Netherlands is very mild, with mild winters, cool summers, and rainfall in every season of the year. The geographical location of this country, which is between the area of high-pressure air masses in the center of the Azores and the low-pressure area in the center of Iceland-Holland, has made the country’s climate unstable, hot, and polar.
South and west winds prevail in this country, and the sea moderates the weather through land winds and under the influence of the Persian Gulf current. The average frost in this country is 60 days a year. The average annual rainfall is about 790 mm and about 25 days of the year the weather is clear and on average three-fifths of the sky is always cloudy. The lowest rainfall is in spring, summer (August) and autumn.
It is interesting to know that this breeze is observed more in the winter season. One of the natural dangers of this country is flood, because this country is low-altitude, and when the flood comes, it may cause a lot of damage to the country and its agricultural products.
Dutch culture
Holland has been famous for painting. Great and famous painters such as Van Gogh and Piet Mondrian have been in this country. Dutch people are very eager to learn foreign languages and try to speak different languages in this country.
Many residents of this land use bicycles for transportation in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and other cities, and the number of bicycles in the Netherlands is three times that of cars. The Dutch are famous for wooden shoes, lace hats, tulips and windmills, and tulips are a big industry in this land.
Another culture of this country is that people are very willing to work and are very interested in getting employed early. Summer vacations are very important for the people of this country. Most of the young people are very interested in marriage and like to spend a lot of time with their families.
The flag of the Netherlands

The Dutch flag was recognized as the national flag on February 19, 1937, which consists of 3 horizontal colors of red, white, and blue as a symbol of the country’s freedom. It is interesting to know that the Dutch flag is also used for the flag of the Netherlands Antilles.
The language of the Dutch people
The main language of this country, which is common among the people, is the Dutch language, which is similar to the German language. Most of the people of this country speak both German and English because the Dutch language is very close to these two languages. Of course, because the Netherlands is a neighbor of Germany and Belgium, Dutch is also spoken in these two countries.
Religion in the Netherlands
In this country, because people are independent and autonomous in terms of religion, there is no official religion for this country. It should be noted that Christianity is the first religion and the most common religion among the Dutch people and most of them follow Christianity. About 5% of the population of this country are Muslims and other people follow other religions.
Dutch Muslims
Islam entered the Netherlands in the 16th century. According to the obtained statistics, about 800 thousand people of this country are Muslims. According to the mentioned statistics, approximately 6% of the country’s population is made up of Muslims. These Muslims are composed of different ethnic groups such as Iran, Turks, Afghans, etc., who live in 4 cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht.
It is interesting to know that 38% of Muslims in this country are of Turkish nationality. 31% of Moroccans and the rest of people from the continents of Asia and Europe live in this country. Since the 17th century, mosques in the Netherlands have been established, and the first mosque in this country is called Mubarak Mosque.
Dutch education

Education in the Netherlands is compulsory for all people from the age of 5 to 16. Children in this country study in primary school for 8 years. For 4 to 6 years, he is engaged in teaching and studying at the secondary level.
The language used in the schools and education system of this country is Dutch. Then, after completing these courses, they can study in higher education centers and universities of this country.
According to a series of statistics obtained, 13 of the universities of this country are among the best universities in the world. Some of the universities in this country include: University of Amsterdam, Delft University, Wakhangin University, etc.
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According to what we read above, we conclude that the climate of this country is moderate and cool and it has a good geographical location. Economically, it is a powerful country that operates in various fields of trade, banking, agriculture, machinery, etc., and has grown significantly in these fields.
Likewise, the government of this country is of a parliamentary type, and the main officials of this country are determined by the opinions of the citizens. The main language of this country is Dutch, but they speak German and English. In addition to Christianity, which is the first religion of this country and most of the people follow it, Islam is also common in this country.
Muslims live in important cities of this country and they established mosques for Muslims. Also, a number of good and excellent universities in the world are located in the Netherlands. For these reasons, many people immigrate to the Netherlands.