Although there is no specific law about what students must do to obtain a student visa, the process of obtaining an American student visa and the correctness of the documents that students must provide increase the probability of receiving a visa. In general, if students are very careful in preparing the documents and submitting the application form, they can guarantee the student visa to some extent. In the following article, we discuss the important and golden tips to avoid rejection of the American student visa application.

FG orders implementation of new US visa validity policy
The United States of America continues to be an admired study destination for many international applicants who want to continue their studies abroad. But visa rejection has ruined the plans of some students. According to data from the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, the rejection rate of US student visas, F-1 visas during the 8-year period studied (2015-2022) in Africa was close to 50%. The Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration is a non-profit organization that advocates for student-friendly international policies.
According to this organization, the rejection rate of American student visas in Europe is usually less than 10%.
“These disparate results warrant serious and sustained research,” said Miriam Feldblum, executive director of the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration.
In a recent report titled “Shorelight” presented by the Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, the United States will exclude 71 percent of students from Nigeria and other West African countries from issuing student visas by 2022. rejected
The report shows that West Africa had the highest visa rejection rate in 2022 on the African continent. Rejection rate American student visa In Central Africa it was 61%, North Africa 49%, East Africa 48% and South Africa 16%.
However, according to this report, the American student visa rejection rate for South African students is one of the lowest rates in the world and similar to the European continent.
While many believe that the demand for US student visas in Nigeria and West Africa has remained high, the US Consulate is increasing its criteria and conditions for access to travel for Nigerian students.
Immigration consultants and experts believe that these students are not well informed about the processes of obtaining student visas, documents and conditions and requirements requested from the US consulate.
There are two types of student visas for students who want to study at US universities: the F-1 student visa for “academic” studies at universities and institutions of higher education, and the M visa for “non-academic or professional” studies.
It is generally recommended that students apply for their study visa at least 4 months before their planned trip to the United States. To give them enough time to appeal in case of student visa rejection or delay at the embassy.
While there are no hard and fast rules about what exactly students must do to ensure a visa is issued, the process of obtaining a visa and the documents that students must provide increase their chances of getting a visa.
The consultants of the immigration institutes believe that most of the rejected students fail in this field. In fact, they do not send the necessary documents and documents on time, or they are not sure of the correctness of the documents.
7 important tips to avoid rejection of American student visa
Information from website, which helps applicants for tourist, business, student, work, engagement and immigration visas, as well as conversations with several experts specializing in helping and guiding students to prepare documents and processes for obtaining student visas, helped us to collect Important tips to avoid the rejection of a US student visa. Counselors of immigration institutions can provide students with the cases that cause the rejection of the study visa file. In the following, we will provide 7 tips on what students should do to reduce visa rejection.
1- Compliance with visa rules and regulations
This is a very important part of US security that all applicants are expected to follow. Applicants are expected to follow the rules and regulations for a smooth and successful US visa application process. According to experts, most American student visa applications are rejected due to non-compliance with the rules and regulations of this type of visa. This makes non-compliance with student visa laws and regulations one of the common reasons for rejection of American student visas.
2-Having enough financial resources and budget
International students are expected to have a certain amount of money in their account in order to obtain an American student visa and study in universities in this country so that they can cover their living and education expenses during their stay in America. This amount should reasonably cover the cost of living, including daily food and nutrition, the cost of student accommodation and dormitory, and university tuition.
Gina Chika, an immigration consultant, said that before issuing a student visa, the visa authorities will check whether the student has sufficient funds to cover his education and living expenses for the expected period of stay in the United States. Chika said that students who prove that they have enough funds to sustain their life in the United States by providing valid documents and financial documents will reduce the chances of visa rejection.
3- Complete the application form correctly
Immigration consultants say that forms that are accurately and correctly completed increase the probability of obtaining a US student visa for students. In their opinion, an incomplete application form is undoubtedly one of the most common reasons for rejection of a US student visa. Every question in the application form is very important in every field of application and must be answered correctly.
Susan Akporiaye, the president of the National Association of Travel Agents Nigeria (NANTA) said that when students tell her they have been rejected, the first thing she does is to ask them for the documents and forms they sent. He says: “Most of the time, just by looking at these documents and forms, I understand the reason for the rejection of the student visa and I tell the reasons to the students. In some cases, the documents may be complete, but the problem is not only about submitting the documents completely, some of the documents provided may be contradictory and this can create doubts.
“When students protest that their documents are complete and there is no reason to deny them a visa, I start reviewing the documents. “If students consult with an immigration counselor, the counselor can explain to them what happened.”
“America does not provide reasons for student visa rejections, but in the case of British student visas, I can tell what went wrong just from the rejection letter. But for the American student visa, you cannot find out the reasons for the rejection from the rejection letter. “I ask the students to go into the details to see what they did and how they filled out their forms, what documents they uploaded and how they answered the questions,” Akpouriai said.
He said that before the student shows up for the interview, the interviewer has the forms submitted by the student and has already evaluated them. So if a form is not filled correctly, the student has reduced his chances of getting a visa.
“It’s not just about documents and documents, it also includes not answering the forms correctly. Unfortunately, some students send fake documents. Therefore, visa officers are no longer convinced by mere presentation of documents. Some visa officers stare at students’ faces and tell them that their documents are fake. The documents have been uploaded and the visa officers have seen and evaluated the documents before the arrival of the students.
4-Visa interview
Immigration experts say that having self-confidence and the ability to prove the correctness of all the information provided in the forms filled by students increases the probability of issuing a study visa. The NANTA chairman explained that if the forms are filled correctly, it gives students a 50% chance of being issued a visa. The remaining 50 percent depends on the interview, he said. In fact, the way students dress, calmness during the interview, body language and self-confidence are part of the criteria that increase the probability of student visa approval by the visa officers.
5- Adequate academic achievements
Having academic progress and scientific achievements also play a very important role in increasing the probability of obtaining a US student visa for international students. According to immigration consultants, students must have sufficient skills and mastery in English. Accordingly, poor grades may make the job difficult. In general, having a degree in English and having a good academic average and transcripts helps to get a student visa approved.
6- University tuition payment receipt
The president of NANTA said that paying university tuition fees also helps to issue American study visas. “If you cannot afford to pay 100% of the university tuition, you should at least pay a part of the payments. Once the visa officers see that you have paid part of the university fees and tuition fees, they will help issue the student visa. However, sometimes students pay university fees and their study visa is rejected for some reason. In this case, the university will refund them the tuition and only reduce the cost of the service. “Consulting with skilled and experienced experts and knowledgeable about the visa process will help students go through the process of obtaining a study visa successfully.” “A professional adviser will explain things to you and advise you on what to do,” said the NANTA chairman. “A skilled immigration expert doesn’t just ask for your passport and tell you he’ll do anything to make you successful.”
7- Travel history
Students with a bad travel history in the past, this factor can have an adverse effect on their current application process and is one of the reasons for US student visa rejection. If students have a history of overstaying in a country and have participated in activities in the past that are prohibited in a specific category of visa, their study visa application may be rejected.
In general, various factors can make the process of obtaining an American student visa difficult and lead to visa rejection. However, by consulting with experts and consultants of reputable immigration institutions, these problems can be greatly reduced and the probability of receiving an American student visa can be increased. The experts of Esthebanati Migration Institute are among the most reliable Immigration Institute in Tehran and other major cities of Iran provide necessary guidance to students before sending documents and completing the American student visa application form. Students who go through the process of obtaining a study visa with the advice of immigration experts have a higher success rate compared to students who go through the process of obtaining a visa on their own.