If you’ve ever watched a volleyball game or a cycling race, you’ve probably seen a kenziotype; Adhesives of colorful tapes that are attached to the athlete’s shoulders, knees, back and stomach!
But what is the kensiotype and how should we attach it to the muscle? What is the use of this muscle adhesive and in what cases can we use it? First, it is better to get to know a little about this widely used sports glue and then go to how to use it. Stay with us to get answers to all your questions about kinesiotype.
What is a cognitive type?
Kinesiotype is known by different names such as muscle tape, sports tape, Kenzo tape or sports tape. There are more than 50 brands of this type of tape on the market today, but the original product, Kinzio tape or Kinzio tape, was developed in the late 1970s by Dr. Kenzo Kaz, a Japanese chiropractor. Kenzo looked for a band that supports the skin.
Kenzotype tape is an elastic cotton tape with an acrylic adhesive that is purported to reduce pain, reduce swelling, improve performance and disability from sports injuries and other types of problems.
Research shows that in people with chronic musculoskeletal pain, these elastic tapes may help relieve pain, but not more than other treatments, and there is no evidence that they can have definitive therapeutic effects, and some consider it a pseudo-cure. They know scientifically.
What is Kinzo tape used for?
Kinzo tape has many special uses. Your physical therapist can assess your current condition and injury and tell you if it would work for you. In this section, we bring some common uses of Sports Fix glue.
1. Aids in motor function
Kenzo glue can be used to help improve range of motion and muscle contraction; Especially if you have a joint or muscle problem, wearing sports bras can improve some joint or muscle function.
2. Pain control and management
Kinzo tape can be used to help reduce pain and muscle spasms that may occur after an injury. Sticking this tape can reduce pain nerve signals to the brain and improve pain and muscle spasm.
3. Detailed support and stability
If you have a condition that requires holding a particular joint, Kenzo glue may be right for you. For example, konzotype may be useful for things like patellofemoral stress syndrome, iliotibial band friction syndrome, or shoulder instability, and can support your joint while still allowing you to move.
4. Reduce inflation
Many people know band-aid as a tape that is applied to the injured body. If you have swelling from an injury or injury, gessotype may help reduce swelling by reducing the pressure between the skin and the underlying tissues.
This adhesive provides a path for excess fluids to pass through. Kenzo glue is sometimes used for superficial bruises.

5. Management of scar tissue
After surgery or trauma, a scar may form on the affected area. Sometimes the scar tissue is attached to your underlying skin and fascia. This scar tissue can limit your normal mobility and range of motion.
Muscle glue can be used to gently pull scar tissue and create a low-intensity, long-lasting stretch to build collagen. In general, we recommend that if you are injured, consult a doctor first and then take the necessary measures.
What are the benefits of Kenzo adhesive tape?
One of the most important benefits of Kenzo adhesive tape is that it is used to help move and reduce pain and muscle spasms, but that’s not all! Genseotype is also flexible and can improve blood circulation. Other benefits of this glue include:
- A 2018 study concluded that kinesiology combined with lymphatic drainage improved lymph fluid congestion after joint surgeries, as well as improved blood circulation, pain relief, and improved motor function after surgery.
- It may stimulate mechanoreceptors in the skin, muscles, and joints, providing sensory feedback to the brain.
- Genseotype inhibits pain receptors (pain pathways) in your muscles, skin, and joint structures, resulting in reduced pain and muscle spasms.

How does kensiotype work?
Kenzo glue, or sports type, will stretch the surface layer of the skin and create a greater distance between the middle membrane of the skin and the muscle. Doctors and physiotherapists believe that this distance and space created causes less pressure on the lymphatic channels and increases the flow of lymph in the desired area.
On the other hand, the space between the muscle and the middle layer of the skin (dermis) has many nerves that send information to the brain; For example, when you have an injury, the space between the epidermis and the muscles will decrease and the sensory receptors will be concentrated in one point. So with the slightest contact, cold, pressure or heat, the injured person will immediately feel pain. As a result, by creating more space, the tape will spread the receptors and your pain will decrease.
How to be sure of sticking Kenzio tape?
The general method of using this glue is very easy and you only need to clean your skin completely before sticking it on the body. Remember that the way you stick and peel off the labels is very important.
1. First, test the kensiotype strip on a part of your body!
Some people are allergic to the use of these adhesives and their skin may react. For this reason, it is better to first stick a piece of glue on your arm for 24 hours and wait until you are sure of the absence of sensitivity.

2. Get rid of extra hair!
Hair on the surface of the skin can make it difficult to use konsiotype. Therefore, if you have hairy skin, be sure to shave your hair (this will make removing the glue from the skin painful) or if you have long hair, be sure to tie it with an elastic so that it does not come into contact with the glue.

3. Repair your skin well!
Before you use the konsiotype glue, it is better to clean the affected area completely and wash it with soap and water.

4. Dry your skin completely!
Allow the desired area to dry completely; Because humidity reduces the adhesiveness of Kenzo glue. If you want to use the adhesive immediately after exercise and you don’t have time to shower, be sure to dry your sweat and clean the desired area.

5. Apply kensiotype one hour before exercise!
Be sure to stick the adhesives on your skin at least one hour before training or sports competition; Because if you apply the adhesive on your skin at the same time as your exercise, sweat may loosen and reduce the adhesive strength of the kensiotype adhesive.

How to use kensiotype
The best way to learn how to use Kenzo glue is to ask a physiotherapist; Because there are different ways to attach a kenziotype that depends on the size of the muscle and your goal, but in general you can use the following rules:
Y labeling form
In this model, you should glue the target muscle all around in a Y shape. This kinesiology taping method can be used to prevent or facilitate the movement of the desired area, but the important thing is that the length of the tape must be longer than the muscle you are targeting.

Labeling form I
This labeling model, similar to English Form I, is used for severe injuries and to assist with ligamentous injuries. In this model, you should stick the glue linearly on the target muscle.
X labeling form
In this model, you need to stick the label in the shape of an X and a cross on the target muscle. This form is used when the ligament and the muscle itself change position by performing the movement. In this case, by shaking, the muscle will move and support these sudden changes; For example, you can use this labeling form for your rhomboid muscles.
Grid/fan labeling form
This labeling model is very similar to the X form. In this way, one piece of the sticker is placed in the middle and on the muscles, and the other parts are glued around the muscle like fan blades.
The steps of sticking the kensiotype on the skin
Now that you have done the above steps and prepared your skin for applying glue, follow us step by step to properly apply the glue on your skin.
1. Take as much glue as you need!
If you are using a full kenziotype ring, cut the amount of glue you need and then cut the ends of the glue with scissors in a circle so that the edges do not cause the glue to separate and swell.

2. Bend your joints before sticking the glue!
If you want to apply Kenzotip to joints like knees and elbows, be sure to start in a bent position. If you apply the adhesive in a position where the knee or elbow is the least stretched, the adhesive will be removed from your hand or leg with the slightest movement.

Always try to consider one point as the restraining part. That is, stick about 5 cm of the glue on a part of the skin that is not stretched during exercise and movement. This will cause the glue to loosen or peel off later.

3. Put the adhesive tape on the skin!
Once you’ve identified a spot as the restraining area, start pulling the tape and sticking it on or next to the muscle.
- If your intention is to reduce muscle pain, the elasticity of the adhesive should be about 15 to 25%;
- If your intention is to improve muscle function and you want to make it easier to move, you should consider stretching the adhesive between 15 and 50%.

Isolation of the cognitotype
Before you intend to remove the kenzo glue, just moisten the glue to make it easier to remove. 5 to 10 minutes before removing the adhesive, apply some baby oil or vegetable oils on the konsiotype. This will reduce the adhesiveness of the adhesives and make them easier to separate.

final word
Konsiotype has adhesive and elastic properties. This glue is used to support muscles, tendons, ligaments and of course reduce the pain of athletes. In this article, we told everything about kensiotype and taught how to use it.
References : medicinenet – wikihow