Is it possible to treat drooping eyelids with special exercises? Yes, you read it right! It is true that the eyelid drooping and the eyes become bigger with a few exercises. In this article from Vitamin, join us to introduce various methods of drooping and tell you how to make your eyes attractive and big (like the first day) by doing some simple exercises.
What are the causes of drooping eyelids?
drooping eyelid or ptosisIt is called the weakening and drooping of the upper eyelid muscles. This happens due to various factors such as accident, stroke, nerve damage, or in the simplest case, due to aging and weakening of the eyelid muscles.
Sometimes both eyelids droop and sometimes only one eyelid. This problem can be temporary or permanent depending on its cause. In many cases, this complication occurs temporarily for children or adults due to eyelash.
Ncoat: This vitamin article does not have a medical aspect and is only general advice.
Treatment of drooping eyelids
If you or your child was born with a drooping eyelid, be sure to consult a doctor. Because this sagging may be a warning sign of a serious medical condition. But there are ways to cure this problem or improve its condition, which we will introduce below.
1. Drooping eyelid exercise
Doing certain sports and exercises can help to fix drooping eyelids. We bring special exercises at the end of the article, but we introduce two other effective ways in this section. For example, sports like yoga and special massages can help you.
- Massage for drooping eyelids
If you are going to exercise your face, you should do facial massage first. To do this, first disinfect your hands and wash them well, then massage your eyes very slowly. Now massage your eyelids and try to warm them. This movement increases the blood flow in your eyelids and prepares the eyelid muscles to perform sports movements. - Facial yoga for drooping eyelids
The simplest yoga move you can do is to contract your eyelid muscles and blink rapidly for one minute. Then start blinking with less speed but with more force. This simple yoga movement will help you to exercise to remove the puffiness above the eyes.
2. Apraclonidine eye drops
If the main cause of your drooping eyelid is Botox injections, you can use apraclonidine eye drops. With this, your eyelids recover faster and return to their original state.
3. Blepharoplasty
Blepharoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures in Iran after rhinoplasty. In upper eyelid surgery, they first make an incision parallel to the creases in the eyelid.
Then they remove a part of the skin, muscles and fat in this part. Finally, the surgical site is closed with fine stitches.
4. Use special glasses
In cases where the prolapse is severe and surgery cannot solve this problem. The best suggestion is to use special glasses for drooping eyelids, in which a special device is added to the patient’s glasses frame. This device will keep the eyelid open.

Drooping eyelid exercises
Strengthening eye muscles and eyelid drooping exercise is the best and safest solution you can try. You do not need any special equipment to perform the following exercises. So, start this type of exercise to make your eyes bigger with your bare hands. In addition, you can ask your questions about exercise and fitness to vitamin trainers to guide you.
1. Warming up the eyes
- First, wash your eyes and hands well with disinfectant gel;
- Gently massage your eyes and start warming your eyelids;
- With this simple work, the blood flow in your eyelids will increase and the eyelid muscles will be ready to perform sports movements.
2. Blinking practice
- Try to contract the eyelid muscles and blink rapidly for one minute;
- Then continue this exercise slowly and blink with more force;
- This time, to do the drooping eyelid exercise, press your eyelid muscles as much as you can.
3. Eye muscle stimulation exercise
Direct stimulation of the eye muscles is one of the effective ways of treatment. It doesn’t matter if you stimulate your eyelid muscles with a series of eye movements, or if you want to use a device like an electric toothbrush. Just put the electric toothbrush on the eyelid muscles. Do this for a few minutes every day.
4. Eye resistance training
If you exercise every hour with pressure on your eyelids, your eyelid droop will disappear over time. If you don’t know exactly what exercise to do, the eyelid lift itself is an exercise to get rid of puffiness above the eyes.
- To make this exercise harder, just place one of your fingers under your eyebrows after raising your eyebrows;
- Stay in this position for a few seconds;
- Then try to close your eyes without removing your finger.
5. Eyebrow lifting practice
- Place your fingers under your eyebrows and pull your eyelids upwards with two fingers;
- It is better to move a little bit of pressure to stretch your eyelid muscles more;
- Now try not to let your eyes open by engaging the eye muscles;
- Lower your hand and repeat the movement after a few seconds;
- Perform this movement every day in 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
6. Exercising to stretch the eyelids
In addition to strengthening the eyelids, this very simple movement will reduce eye wrinkles.
- To do this exercise, just sit on the floor and close your eyes;
- Release your eyelids and use your index finger to raise your eyebrows;
- Try to keep your eyes closed while raising your eyebrows.
- Stay in this position for 10 seconds and repeat this movement at least 10 times every day.
7. Practicing Trataka Eye Yoga
This practice of drooping eyelids is mostly done to focus and increase the power of vision; But this exercise can also be used to strengthen the eye muscles.
- To start the exercise, just place an object or a candle in front of you;
- Then stare at it.
8. Practice covering your eyes
This exercise is for when only one of your eyes has droopy eyelids.
- To do it, put your hand on the healthy eye;
- Put all the duties on the shoulders of the weak eyelid;
- This will make your eyelid drooping disappear over time and your eye muscles will become stronger.
How long does it take to treat drooping eyelids with exercise?
The secret of successful treatment of drooping eyelids with exercise is regular exercise and engaging the eye muscles. You must fully engage your eyelid muscles during the exercises. The more diligent you are in doing these exercises, the sooner you will get results.

Prevent drooping eyelids
Doing the drooping eyelid exercise that we mentioned earlier can prevent this complication. These movements are completely safe and simple and you can do them regularly.
Also, olive oil acts as a moisturizer and improves skin elasticity. In order to prevent drooping eyelids, heat olive oil a little and massage it on your eyelids. You can do this at night and wash it off in the morning.
final word
Eyelid drooping usually occurs with age and for people over 25 or 30 years old. One way to combat it is to exercise eyelid drooping. This is the safest and healthiest way to strengthen eye muscles. By doing these exercises regularly, you can make your eyes as big and attractive as before. In this article, we have explained various solutions for treating drooping eyelids with exercise and other methods.
Source: healthline