Are you looking for the safest and fastest way to increase breast milk? Stay with us until the end of the article.
What should I eat to make my milk abundant and strong?
Many nursing mothers, especially those who have given birth to their first baby, worry about feeding their baby with enough milk. If you also feel that you do not have enough milk to feed your baby, you should first find the reason. However, some common methods help to solve this problem. We ask you about that What should I eat to increase my milk? And we answered the fastest way to increase breast milk.
Also read: What is the cause of lack of breast milk + home treatment for lack of breast milk
What should I eat to increase my milk?
This is the question of many mothers, what should I eat to increase my milk supply? We know that some foods play a role in increasing breast milk. Let’s take a look at the foods you can include in your breastfeeding diet to increase your milk supply.
1. Dark and leafy vegetables
Vegetables such as lettuce, kale, spinach, and broccoli are high in nutrients and phytoestrogens that can potentially have a positive effect on breast milk.
2. Fennel
This vegetable has been used for hundreds of years in the Middle East due to its lactogenic properties, and it contains a large amount of tryptophan (an important property in breast milk).
3. Fresh ginger
Some parents find that eating (or drinking) ginger helps reduce the flow of breast milk.
4. Garlic
Garlic has been used for years to stimulate breast milk production. You can use more garlic to flavor your daily meals to increase lactation.
5. Lean beef, pork, lamb and chicken
These meats are all rich in iron and therefore may help to strengthen breast milk.
6. Legumes such as peas and lentils
These versatile foods contain plenty of protein and beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, which are transferred into breast milk and support healthy brain development.
6. Nuts
Almonds and other raw nuts, including cashews, walnuts, and macadamia nuts, are healthy and rich in protein and calcium, which play an important role in breast milk production.
7. Barley and whole grains
All of these are good sources of iron, and low levels of iron have a negative effect on breast milk.
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What should I eat to strengthen my milk?
There are several ways to fortify milk that help maximize production to improve nutrition and its ability to keep a baby healthy, including:
1. Get more omega-3 fatty acids
These play an important role in the development of a child’s brain, nervous system and vision. One of the most important omega-3 fatty acids is DHA, which helps the development of the baby’s brain in the first two years of life.
Fatty fish, such as salmon, are one of the best sources of extra DHA, as are walnuts and chia seeds. If you are not a fan of seafood, you can take a fish oil supplement or other omega-3 supplement under the supervision of your doctor.
2. Eat smart
It is important to have a balanced diet with enough calories during breastfeeding. Iron-rich foods like fennel support milk production because they support key hormones like prolactin. Some milk-increasing foods include fenugreek (a common ingredient in breastfeeding tea), milk thistle, chickpeas, alfalfa, and oats.
3. Increase your iron intake
Consider eating iron-rich foods such as red meat, green leafy vegetables, beans, legumes, and whole grains (such as oats).
4. Take probiotics
Many babies lack B. infantis, the good bacteria in the gut that helps digest breast milk and protects the baby from potentially harmful bacteria that are linked to colic, eczema, allergies and obesity. Probiotic consumption by the mother may help create a protective environment in the digestive system and help the child’s metabolism and immune system.
The fastest way to increase breast milk
1. Breastfeeding the baby and milking is the fastest way to increase breast milk
The more milk that is removed from your breasts, the faster the body rushes to replace it. Track your baby’s feedings to make sure your baby has at least 8 active feeds every 24 hours.
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2. Breast massage during breastfeeding
Massaging your breasts while breastfeeding or breast imaging can help you get more milk out of your milk ducts. Basically, all you have to do is move your hands over your breasts and squeeze. Don’t focus on just one side.
3. Warm compress
Applying a warm compress, such as a warm towel, before pumping may help pump more milk. A rapid increase in skin temperature increases blood circulation in the affected area, and increased blood circulation is what causes healing as well as stimulation for faster emptying and increased milk flow.
4. Drinking enough water
Your body needs water to continue producing milk. The amount you need can vary depending on the weather, diet or exercise. Eight to 10 8-ounce glasses of water are recommended daily. Don’t overdo it though, as drinking extra water won’t magically increase your milk supply.
5. Breastfeeding cookies
Lactose-free cookies contain oats, flaxseed, and brewer’s yeast.
6. Skin-to-skin contact with the baby
Skin-to-skin contact with baby is beneficial for breastfeeding, so if you’re looking for natural ways to increase your milk supply, it’s worth a try!
7. Breastfeeding tea
Like lactation cookies, they have lactation tea to help increase milk supply. Some common ingredients include fenugreek, milk thistle, and fennel.
Foods that increase breast milk
1. Pumpkin seeds
Evidence shows that pumpkin seeds are one of the foods that increase breast milk. They are also rich in protein, iron, fiber and health-promoting bioactive compounds.
2. Peas
Chickpeas are rich in high quality protein, micronutrients and bioactive compounds. The phytoestrogens in it are considered to have lactogenic benefits.
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3. Tofu
Tofu is a soy product rich in protein and essential micronutrients. Tofu may improve breast milk due to its phytoestrogen content.
4. Curry leaves
Nursing mothers in different cultures use curry leaves to strengthen their milk.
5. Dill seeds
Dill seeds are used to stimulate appetite, aid digestion and increase milk production.
6. Sweet potato leaves
Sweet potato leaves can increase prolactin levels and increase breast milk production.
7. Turmeric
Research shows that using turmeric along with fenugreek and ginger can increase the volume of breast milk.
The best fruit to increase breast milk
1. Apricot is the best fruit for increasing milk
Apricots belong to the almond family and contain several nutrients and bioactive compounds for health. The level of prolactin hormone is effective for increasing the supply of breast milk. You can add fresh or dried apricots to porridge, cereals and desserts to enjoy its benefits.
2. Carrot
Carrots are a fiber-rich root vegetable that can add color and vital nutrients to your breastfeeding diet. Regular consumption of carrots provides nutrients and may also increase breast milk supply. Phytoestrogens in carrots may be responsible for the lactogenic effects of carrots.
3. Papaya
Papaya consumption is not recommended during pregnancy, but its use during breastfeeding is very popular due to its potential effects on breastfeeding.
4. Dates
Dates can increase your prolactin hormone levels and increase breast milk production. You can eat a handful of dry or fresh dates as a snack
Quranic verse to increase breast milk
- To increase breast milk, the Qur’anic verse from Surah Muhammed (PBUH) is recommended. For this purpose, verse 15 of this surah should be written on a container with rose water and saffron on the days outside the moon in Scorpio and pour clean water into it and give it to the nursing mother to drink three times.
- It is also narrated from Imam Sadiq (AS) that write Surah Hajar with saffron on a container and give the water poured in that container to the woman, God willing, her milk will increase.
What things reduce breast milk?
Herbs that reduce breast milk
Some plants, which we use in food or are often part of natural medicinal plants, lead to a decrease in breast milk. However, if you use them in food in a small amount, there is no need to worry about the reduction of breast milk production.
1. Spicy mint
Studies have shown that this fragrant vegetable reduces milk. Eating mint several times a day shows its effects in a few days. The good thing is that peppermint does not have long-term effects.
2. Parsley
Parsley is a diuretic plant and many people like to take it with food. Due to its diuretic properties, it can cause frequent urination and cause dehydration. Eating a reasonable amount of parsley has no effect on breast milk production.
3. Sage
A small amount of sage in a food may not have much effect, but sage tea will. You can call sage a natural form of the hormone estrogen, which is known to seriously harm the milk production process.
Foods that reduce breast milk
1. Chocolate
Many mothers crave chocolate while breastfeeding, but if consumed as part of the sugar and caffeine cycle, it can also increase stress hormones, which can lead to reduced milk production.
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2. Citrus juice and foods rich in citric acid such as fresh tomatoes
Foods that contain citric acid can be astringent, which causes breast tissue to harden and reduces blood circulation in the breasts.
3. Soda, coffee, black tea and green tea
These drinks can all increase the level of stress hormones in your body. An increase in stress hormones can lead to hardening of the capillaries in the breasts, slowing down the communication of nerves and hormones that tell your body to produce milk.
4. Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower contain sulfur, which may cause the mother’s milk to spoil the baby’s appetite. If a baby drinks less milk because it tastes bad or has stomach problems after drinking it, it may cause your milk supply to decrease.
last word
We hope this article titled the fastest way to increase breast milk was useful for you. Remember, it is better to consult your doctor before consuming any of the recommended foods or herbs to prevent unforeseen side effects.