What is estrogen and what is the benefit? We’ve all heard the name of estrogen and we probably have information about this hormone. Estrogen plays a significant role in the body of men and women. The low and high levels of the body in the body can have different side effects.
The presence of this hormone also affects fitness and bodybuilding. In the following, what is the question “What is estrogen?” We answered and then we will tell you all the facts about estrogen and bodybuilding.
What is estrogen?
What is estrogen? Estrogen is the name of a group of female hormones that play different roles in the body. These hormones in women improve sexual health and feminine and pregnancy characteristics; It also helps to grow reproductive and breasts. Estrogen plays a role in cognitive health, bone health, cardiovascular function and other essential processes of men and women.
The ovaries, adrenal glands, and body fat tissue produce this hormone. Both men and women have this hormone, but women produce more.
What is the estrogen?
What is the source of estrogen? Estrogen is a sex hormone and cannot be found in foods and foods exactly; But there are many foods that have phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogen is a herbal chemical compound that has a structure and function similar to that of human estrogen.
In general, plant foods are more phytoestrogens than other foods. Below is a list of foods that have estrogen or produce estrogen in the body:

- Soybeans: Soybean and all of its products, such as soybeans, tofu, tempo and soy milk, are rich in isoflavone, which is a kind of phytoestrogen.
- Seeds and nuts: Nuts like almonds, almonds and pistachio have a lot of phytoestrogens. Seeds such as flaxseed or sesame are also a rich source of phytoestrogens.
- Some fruits: Peach, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and blueberries contain phytoestrogens.
- Vegetables: Climate vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and Brussels cabbage are high in phytoestrogens. Garlic also contains compounds that can affect estrogen levels.
- Beans: Chickpeas, lentils, cowpea and chickpea beans are good sources of phytoestrogens.
- Cereals: Full wheat, barley, rye and barley contain phytoestrogens.
- Some drinks: Green and black tea both contain phytoestrogens.
Note that these foods contain phytoestrogens, but their effect on everyone’s body may vary. If you are going through a hormone therapy, tell your doctor about taking such foods.
What is the estrogen pill?
Estrogen tablets are a hormone drug that has the estrogen hormone or similar compounds. Estrogen tablets are a special and strong medication and is only prescribed by the doctor’s order; But in general it has applications to balance hormonal problems. It has a variety (natural estrogen tablets, synthetic estrogen tablets, combined estrogen tablets, etc.) and may have serious side effects, so do not take any doctor without prescribing a doctor.
What is the estrogen pill?
Estrogen is one of the female sex hormones that plays an important role in regulating the menstrual cycle, bone health, and preserving female characteristics. If your doctor knows the right to prescribe estrogen pills; Applications of estrogen tablets usually include:
- Help control menopausal symptoms: Like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and the mood changes of the women during this period.
- Prevention of osteoporosis: Osteoporosis is unfortunately a very common complication in the elderly, but estrogen pills can partially prevent severe osteoporosis.
- Treatment of hormonal disordersSometimes some women develop hormonal disorders such as estrogen deficiency (such as premature menopause) or even due to a disease or surgery. Under such circumstances, estrogen tablets are prescribed to relieve this disorder.
- Treating some menstrual problemsFinally, we should mention the problems of painful or irregular menstruation, which sometimes requires estrogen to treat.

Estrogen tasks in men
In response to “what is estrogen?” We said that it is a group of female hormones. But men also need this hormone. Estrogen plays a vital role in men’s physiology and is needed for their health and health. What is important is the balance of this hormone in the men’s body, its imbalance can lead to problems such as infertility, erectile dysfunction or mood disorders. Here are some general tasks of estrogen in men:
- Bone health
- Cardiovascular health
- Adjustment of libido, erectile function and sperm production
- Reducing depression and anxiety and helping a better mood
The role of estrogen hormone in women
In addition to its role as sex hormone, estrogen also does other important things that are not related to fertility. This hormone operates on parts of your body that have hormonal receptors, especially estrogen. This hormone has the following effects on the body of women. If you want to know what the effects of estrogen are, read this part carefully.
1. Sexual health
Estrogen is responsible for the growth and evolution of your genital anatam, including the vagina and the uterus. It is also responsible for the growth of your breasts and your genital and armpit hair growth during puberty. These changes show that your first menstrual period approaches and the beginning of your fertility years.
2. Menstrual cycle
The main purpose of the menstrual cycle is to prepare the lady’s body for pregnancy. When you are not pregnant in a monthly cycle, your uterine wall covers and you become a monthly habit. Estrogen is a hormone that forms the internal coating of the uterus every month to prepare for pregnancy.
1. Bone growth and health
Estrogen plays an important role in the healthy growth of your bones. It also regulates circulation in your mature bones and protects them from weakening. In menopause, when the level of this hormone decreases, women can experience a significant increase in bone analysis, as the protective effect of this hormone disappears.
This dramatic increase in bone loss can lead to osteoporosis, which puts you more risk for pelvic fractures.
1. Heart health
What is the role of estrogen against heart disease? This hormone does a lot of useful things in your body to help keep your blood vessels healthy, including reducing inflammation and controlling cholesterol levels. Overall, its positive effect on preventing heart disease in women is significant before menopause. In menopause, when the protective effect of estrogen disappears, heart disease increases in women.

1. Mood management
Estrogen has a very important effect on the brain. In addition, this hormone plays an important role in your mood because it has a very strong effect on serotonin. Serotonin is a mood balanced chemical and estrogen increases its production.
This means that when your estrogen level is low, your serotonin level also lowers. The effect of this is very impressive on some women. Decreased estrogen and serotonin is thought to exacerbate postpartum depression and menopause.
Exercise and estrogen What is the relationship between exercise and estrogen?
According to a new and remarkable study on DNA, hormones and brain cells of mice, scientists have found that estrogen could change brain activity in a way that affects physical activity.
Using advanced technology, the study showed that estrogen mutation initiated processes in the mouse brain that makes animals more active.
This research was done on mice; But the results can be generalized to humans to a large extent. The findings from this study show us why women often lose their interest in exercise and mobility when their estrogen levels are slowly decreased.
The results also show how the brain and internal biological processes work together and play an important role in mobility and inactivity.

The role of estrogen in men’s bodybuilding
As a sir bodybuilder, you may have faced “muscle steppe”. You weight well, you have good nutrition, but as if your progress has stopped and you not only do not progress, but also lose muscle. Where is the problem and what is the problem with estrogen?
One of your problems can be the excessive increase in estrogen in the body. The presence of female sex hormones in small quantities is also vital for men. But it gets a pain when it goes too high.
Why is estrogen control important for bodybuilders?
We said that estrogen hormone is also in the body of men and they need it; But having too much can disrupt your bodybuilding.
Hormonal imbalances occur when your testosterone drops and your estrogen rises. If this happens, you may experience different symptoms; Including:
- Weight gain especially around the abdomen
- The slow growth of the muscles
- In more serious cases, muscles are weak and completely analyzed
- Gynecomasty
- Losing motivation and sexual desire
- Fatigue
- Reduce sperm count

Symptoms and complications of high estrogen
Hormone levels can occur spontaneously, but sometimes as a result of some medications, hormonal balance is disturbed and its level is very high.
Symptoms and complications of high levels of estrogen in women
- Bloating
- Hair loss
- Weight gain
- Reduce libido
- Drowsiness or fatigue
- Irregular menstrual periods (in women)
- Mood swings, anxiety and panic attacks
- Increased symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
- Swelling and allergies in the breasts, fibrocystic masses in the breasts
High estrogen complications in men
However, estrogen is often considered as feminine hormone; But the men’s body also produces this hormone. The healthy balance of estrogen and testosterone is important for sexual growth and development. When these hormones become unbalanced, men’s sexual growth and function may be affected. What are the symptoms of high levels of estrogen?
- Infertility: This hormone in men is partly responsible for creating healthy sperm. When the surface is high, the sperm level may decrease and lead to fertility problems.
- GynecomastyA: Estrogen may stimulate breast tissue growth. Men with excessive levels of this hormone may develop gynecomastia, a condition that leads to larger breasts.
- Erectile dysfunction: Men who have high levels of this hormone may have difficulty in erection or maintaining it.
Does estrogen deficiency cause weight loss?
Not quite the opposite. So what is the role of estrogen in obesity and weight? Estrogen deficiency does not lose weight, but is associated with weight gain. You may have heard from women who are menopause that their weight is rising for no reason, due to estrogen deficiency. The low level of estrogen increases weight in several ways:
- Estrogen is involved in regulating glucose and lipid metabolism. The lower the estrogen, the higher the insulin resistance and the fat burning.
- One of the roles of estrogen is to maintain muscle mass and its deficiency can cause muscle tissue to be analyzed and thus slows down metabolism and obese.
- Estrogen also affects satiety and hunger, low estrogen can disrupt your appetite and cause nerve overeating. Finally, it should be noted that estrogen deficiency can increase the accumulation of fat in your abdomen and side.
Final speech
What is estrogen? Estrogen is a type of hormone that plays a strong role in the body of people, especially for women. Increasing or increasing this hormone and its imbalance in the body can cause various problems. In this article, we first said what estrogen is, and then we examined issues such as how it works, the complications of its body and its relationship with bodybuilding.
Resources : Healthline – Medicineten