Many people may know what to eat before or after their training, and now their question is, “What to eat while exercising?” Nutrition is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in bodybuilding and exercise. What you eat and drink as much as your workout program and performance affects your body and performance!
But have you ever wondered what to eat and drink exactly during bodybuilding? In this article, we will talk about the best time to eat and drink during exercise, all kinds of food and unauthorized foods and drinks during exercise.
What to eat while practicing bodybuilding?
Exactly while exercising bodybuilding, you don’t need to eat anything. During exercise, your body relies on the food energy you’ve eaten earlier; Then he goes to the stored energy sources. If your workout lasts less than 5 minutes, you don’t have to do anything.
However, in some cases (for example, very long or high-intensity exercises), having a small, early food (about 1 to 2 calories-a small amount) of simple carbohydrates can help maintain your energy. You probably want to provide a few clear examples in the answer to “what to eat during bodybuilding.” A few ideas for early and energetic food during exercise are:
- Bananas
- Dates
- Orange
- Dip
- White bread and honey
- Low -fat yogurt
Note that consuming heavy, protein or fatty foods during training should be avoided, as digestion takes place and will cause gastrointestinal discomfort during exercise.

What to drink during bodybuilding?
We explained about what to eat during bodybuilding, and now it’s time to introduce the best drink for exercise. The best and most ideal drink is always water. Try to drink a few cool water (not ice) every 5 minutes. The greater the intensity of the workout and the warmer the environment, the more you sweat; So you need to drink more water. But drinks while exercising other than water can be other things that depend on the type, intensity and duration of your workout.
Sports Drinks for Exercises Over 5 Minutes
If your exercise intensity is high and your workout is over 5 minutes, take electrolytic drinks with you. Exercise for a long time causes a lot of water to lose, and such drinks compensate for sodium, potassium and other lost electrolytes to prevent dehydration and muscle cramps.
- A home -made example of a home -made electrolyte drink is water, a little salt, honey and lemon juice.
- Coconut water is also a good idea and offsets lost electrolytes.
Sports Drinks for Exercises Over 5 Minutes
Energy carbohydrate drinks are also good for high -pressure exercises and longer (over 5 minutes). These drinks fill the glycogen reserves quickly and raise the energy level.
- A good example is the natural juice diluted.
- Also, carbohydrate powders mixed with water are another good idea.
TipAvoid consuming caffeine and sugar beverages in the middle of the exercise.
What vitamins do we eat during bodybuilding?
Some people also ask about vitamins what to eat during bodybuilding? Vitamin intake during exercise is unnecessary and even useless. Because vitamins are not absorbed immediately and their effect appear after a long time. You need to get the vitamins you need for a long time to see the result.
Vitamins that generally help athletes (you do not need to take a workout, but rather take a doctor’s instruction):
- Complex Vitamin B
- Vitamin C and E
- Vitamin D.
- Omega 3
What supplement to eat during bodybuilding?
There is no need to take supplements during bodybuilding. If your exercise is too long, you can take an early supplement, such as its protein or branched amino acids (BCAA supplement); Of course, as long as you have not received a supplement before exercise, because in this case the second supplement will be ineffective.
If you are a bodybuilder and intend to build muscle, we recommend taking protein supplements such as protein, creatine or casein during the volume period. Of course, the timing of each of these supplements is different. For more information, see Phitamine.
If you want to lose weight and fat burning, take supplements that increase body metabolism, such as caffeine or L-carnnetine. Of course, there is no need to take these supplements in the middle of the exercise, each of which has its own time.

When should we eat and drink water during exercise?
We talked about what to eat during bodybuilding. In this section we want to see when we can eat or drink something from our workout?
In most cases, eating and drinking something special is not necessary during exercise. Especially food is better not to be eaten at all because it may make your mood worse.
But for people who do high or long -lasting exercises, getting some calories can help you get through your workout without feeling tired.
In long -term endurance training, consumption of liquids, electrolyte drinks and simple carbohydrates during exercise is a good idea to provide better energy and performance. For strength training, there is usually no need to eat unless the training session takes more than 5 minutes.
What foods are forbidden during training and should not eat?
We explained about what to eat during bodybuilding and introduced several food sources. Now we want to tell you what you should not eat during training. Heavy and hard foods, such as foods that have high fat and high fiber, are not suitable for the middle of the exercise; Because it causes gastrointestinal discomfort such as nausea. It is also not recommended to eat hard proteins such as meat during training. Foods that you should not eat during training are:
- Full grains
- High -fat foods such as high -fat dairy and nuts
- Meat and chicken
- Fiber fruits
The importance of nutrition for exercise
What you eat and the amount you eat varies depending on the type of exercise and purpose; But there is a series of general nutritional principles for all athletes. Your diet should include all nutrients, essential micronutrients and enough calories. This way your body can adapt to training and grow well.
Final speech
In answer to the question, “What to eat during bodybuilding?” We have to say that during bodybuilding, you do not need to eat anything. If your workout lasts less than 5 minutes, you don’t have to do anything.
In some cases (for example, very long or high-intensity exercises), having a small, early food (about 1 to 2 calories-a small amount) of simple carbohydrates can help maintain your energy. In this post, “What to eat during bodybuilding?” We responded and introduced permissible and unauthorized foods during exercise.
Resources: Verywellfit – Heart