It must have happened to you that after using soapy mums, white traces of mummified remains on your clothes. Rolly creams and deodorants also leave yellow stains on white clothes. In this article, we will tell you how to remove yellow and white stains from white, colored and black clothes.
How to remove stains from clothes?
Of course, no one wants to see the white spots of mom in the armpit of their favorite shirt. Learning how to remove soapy white stains from white, colored and black shirts will prevent this problem. Fortunately, there are easy solutions to this common problem. In the rest of this article, we will tell you how you can deal with the white spots of mom in the best way. We even teach you some ways to prevent white spots from getting underarms.

1- Make a paste with baking soda

Baking soda can both help reduce armpit odor and prevent new spots from spreading. To make baking soda paste, just mix baking soda with a little water. When the paste is ready, apply it on the mole. Leave this paste on the stain for a few hours and wash it with warm water. Baking soda removes the remaining oil and stains.
This method is especially useful when the stains on the clothes are old and dried. Be sure to test any method you choose on an inconspicuous area of your garment to ensure that the detergent you choose will not damage the garment. Before you throw the baking soda stained clothes in the washing machine, you can also add a little white vinegar to the stained area to speed up the bleaching process.
2- Removing the stains of mumm and deodorant with lime and salt

Lemon juice can also be an effective way to remove old mom and deodorant stains from white t-shirts. This citrus contains a high level of acidity, which makes it work wonderfully as a stain remover. To do this, take a fresh lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice directly on the stained area. Then pour a lot of salt on it and start rubbing this mixture on the stains of your t-shirt or shirt to remove the mom or deodorant stain.
Then leave the garment in the sun for about an hour, which will help it whiten and lighten more (do this for white garments). Finally, wash the area and put it in the washing machine with a little detergent.
3- Pour a little salt on the white stain
If you don’t have lime handy, you can remove yellow underarm stains from your white t-shirt with a simple spice everyone has in their kitchen: salt. Boil a liter of water and dissolve four tablespoons of salt in it. Take a sponge or cloth and dip it in the saline solution, rub the stained area until the white mummy stain disappears from your clothes. Compared to cleaning bleached underarms with lemon balm, you may have to rub a little harder when using salt, but rest assured that this method works.
4- Mix dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water).
You can mix dishwashing liquid and hydrogen peroxide to remove mummy stains from white clothes. Mix about three tablespoons of dishwashing liquid with six tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, dip a used toothbrush or small brush in the solution, and begin scrubbing the area where the stain is. After washing the stain for a few minutes, the stain should disappear. Leave the clothes outside for an hour and then wash them in the washing machine. (Do not use this combination to remove the white of black clothes.)
5- Get help from hydrogen peroxide
This trick works wonders when it comes to getting rid of old white spots and helping your washing routine to remove those white spots. Soak the stained clothes in a 50/50 mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes. Then add 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide to your clothes after the washing machine is full. Use hydrogen peroxide to remove white stains from white clothes.
6- Cleaning the yellow stain with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda
To get rid of yellow spots, make a paste with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, the paste should not be too thick and not too thin, apply this paste on the stain and leave it for about 5 minutes, then wash with water as usual. Do not use this combination to remove stains from colored and black clothes.
7- Use a nylon sock to remove the mummified stain
If you wear dark clothes immediately after waxing, the wax will often leave white spots on the clothes. Fortunately, there is a quick and effective solution. For dark clothes, try rubbing nylon stockings over the white deodorant streaks. Instead of nylon socks, you can apply a cotton cloth such as a dry towel or a clean sock on the white stain to remove it.
8- Soak the clothes in white vinegar

Using white vinegar, which is one of the home methods for cleaning various appliances. White vinegar can help you remove stubborn stains from white, colored and black clothes. Before throwing a stained shirt or T-shirt in the washing machine, soak the garment in a bowl of white vinegar for about an hour, then gently brush the stain with a toothbrush. Vinegar can be used to remove stains from dark and light clothes.
9- Use stain remover liquid
Although you can use all the above-mentioned materials to remove the white stain from the clothes, but an easy way is to use a store-bought stain remover. Stain removers are just as effective as home remedies. Just follow the instructions on the detergent. Remember that the best way to remove a mam stain, like any other type of stain, is to do it right away and don’t let the stain get old, because then it will be more difficult to remove these stains.
Here are the most popular clothes stain removers
10- Use a combination of vinegar, salt and dishwashing liquid
One of the miraculous ways to remove white stains from clothes is to use salt, vinegar and dishwashing liquid. The salt helps the vinegar penetrate into the stain to remove it better. Dishwashing liquid also helps break down the solids that caused the stain in the first place. To remove the stain with this detergent, proceed as follows:
- A cup of salt, 2 cups of vinegar, 2 cups of hot water and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid.
- Soak the stain for one to two hours, then wash as usual.
- You can even use soap and water to remove perfume and deodorant stains from clothes.
- Finally, you can dry the clothes using a steam cleaner.
11- Use car powder paste and water
To remove white stains from white, colored and black clothes, you can make a paste with washing machine powder and water. Leave this paste on the stain overnight until morning and then rinse.
Note: These tips are for removing wax and deodorant stains from cotton or polyester fabrics. If your clothes are made of finer materials such as silk, satin or wool, you need to take them to a reliable dry cleaner to remove the white stain.
12- Aspirin removes the white spot on the mother
You should definitely not use aspirin to treat a headache. Aspirin is a useful substance for removing white stains from white, colored and black clothes. To do this, grind two aspirins into powder and pour in half a cup of water and stir until the aspirin dissolves in the water (this amount is enough for one shirt). Pour the solution of water and aspirin on the mole and wait for an hour. Then wash the shirt as usual with a suitable detergent.
13- Use denture cleaning tablets
Did you think that artificial teeth cleaning tablets are also useful for removing mom’s white stains from clothes? All you have to do is dissolve 4 denture tablets in a bucket of water. Throw your stained shirt in the bin and let it sit in this solution for at least 8 hours. Then wash the shirt as usual with a suitable detergent.
14- Use a bleaching solution based on oxygen and ammonia
This is an effective solution to remove the yellow stain of deodorant and Mam Rooli from white clothes. Because the solution is strong, you must use gloves while working. Mix equal amounts of oxygen-based bleach and ammonia, 2 tablespoons each. Pour the resulting solution on the clothes stain. Wait for 10 minutes and then wash the clothes with a suitable detergent and spread them in the sun to dry after rinsing.
Tip: Be sure to use oxygen-based bleach, not chlorine, to make this solution. The bleaching compound based on chlorine and ammonia produces a very toxic and dangerous gas.
How to prevent white spots on clothes?

1- Don’t overdo it
Avoid overdosing. If using the usual amount of wax does not work for you and you are not satisfied with the result, change your brand of wax. In normal case, it is enough to rub the ointment on the armpit once or twice.
2- Heat the pan a little
Adding a little heat before use will go a long way in keeping your clothes from staining. Try to hold the ointment under your arm before use so that the oils and butters in it will soften in contact with body heat. If you are using a natural wax that is poured in a jar, before use, warm a little of the wax between your fingers to achieve the same result.
3- Let the mummy dry and then wear clothes
Allow the deodorant to dry completely before getting dressed. If you need to speed up the process, dry the mum with hot air from a hair dryer so that it does not stick to the clothes.
4- Let your armpit breathe
If you wear loose and loose clothes and don’t wear tight clothes, it is very likely that the wax will not leave a white or yellow mark on your clothes. Wearing looser clothes prevents the skin and soapy mummy or mummy rolls from sticking to the clothes, which eventually cause stains.
5- Use baby powder
Another way to prevent mom from getting white on clothes is to use baby powder. For this, you need to turn the clean clothes inside out and sprinkle baby powder on the armpits of the clothes and then wear it. In this way, the armpits do not get white.
The most popular types of baby powder are here
last word
In order to remove the white stain from the clothes easily, be sure to remove it as soon as possible after the stain is created. It is difficult to remove old bleach stains from the clothes, because they penetrate into the taropod of the clothes, and its traces may remain on the clothes. Do you have the experience of removing mummy stains from clothes? What material do you use to clean the white stain from the clothes? Share your experiences with us in the comments section of this article.